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by Gergely Debreczeni last modified 2015-05-18 14:15

Regular VDASC telecon


  1. News, announcement         
  2. Implementation of analysis pipeline job tags on Virgo resources. How accounting and prioritisation can be enforced on our resources and information aggregated and fused with LIGO numbers.
  3. Status of default frame size increase, testing.
  4. Virgo request for increase of frame size will be approved if there is no unforeseen obstacle/objection during next week.
  5. Preparation of LIGO -> Virgo (Bologna, Lyon) offline bulk data transfer Volunteers / transfer responsible  needed !
  6. procdata that can be deleted (05% file system already used);
  7. which directory of the procdata volume must be included into a backup and which can be excluded?
  8. CLOUD computing for Virgo

