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by Marie Anne Bizouard last modified 2013-03-27 12:07

Summary of technical requirements of the online applications running at Cascina during Advanced Virgo for commissioning, detector characterization and low latency GW searches.

Scope of the wiki page: description of the online applications for AdV. It concerns all applications that need to process Virgo (and LIGO) data with low latency. Latency can be as low as few seconds up to several hours.

The goal of this table is to provide as much information as possible to size the needed upgrades of the Cascina computing facilities (farm clusters, data storage, data access, network connection, disk storage, internet access, web server, ...). This will also serve as primary information to discuss progresses and problems of each project in VDAS calls.

In the column "core", users should provide a reference node for their estimation. For instance, reference cores have different power:
"olnode" core (olnode33-75): 1 core from opteron 275 2.2GHz 1MB L2 cache , 1GHz bus - (year 2005) - 6 HS06
"olserver" core (olserver1-10,15-18): 1 core from Intel E5450 3.0GHz  12MB L2 cache 1.33GHz bus - (year 2007) - 26 HS06

The column "commissioning / detector operation" is meant to provide information about the relation of the applications output and the commissioning and the detector operation.

Application name Data access (input/bandwidth)
Input data Output data Output volume Receiving LIGO data Use of special service Processes number / duration [fraction of day] Cores number / type RAM Need of batch scheduler at cascina?/ type of implementation Reprocessing possibility / which data stream? Commissioning / detector operation Comments
MonitoringWeb mainly trend.ffl
about 0.5 MB/s
trenddata web pages (web server) 100 MB/day on disk no, except some use of wget
 VDB, channelsDB,
Cl web pages
200 processes
6 cores like those of olserver
1 GB per core no / Md and bash scripts
yes / mainly trenddata
monitoring &  "several minutes latency" alarm Virgo summary pages
Spectrograms DAQ shared memory (but no real need for low latency)
spectro data GWF files
web pages (web server)
20 MB/day on disk no  Spectro on Demand (do spectrograms via web user interface)
360 processes
8 cores like those of
1 GB per core
maybe / Md and bash scripts + on demand
yes / trenddata + spectro files
commissioning Spectrograms
DQ monitoring, hardware injection, safety,

about 0.2 MB/s
- some raw data channels

- web pages
(web server)
300 MB/day on disk no VDB ? 6 cores like those of olserver
1 GB per core no / ? yes / raw data and VDB content
monitoring Provide online and offline information about DQ flags
DQ performance - Omicron triggers files stored on disks - VDB
- Omicron triggers files
- web pages
(web server)
100 MB/day on disk no VDB 1 process
1 olnode
4 GB /core no / cron and on demand
yes / Omicron triggers diagnostic performance of DQ and vetoes
DQ production (hVeto, Bas, PQ, BRMSMon, ...) - DAQ shared memory
- 50 Hz andtrenddata files stored on disks
- Omicron triggers files
- some raw data channels
- VDB?
- segments to be uploaded in VDB/segdb 1 MB/day on disk no    ? 14 olserver?
1 GB/core no /   diagnostic veto production
UPV - Omicron triggers files - files on disk
- files on disk (web server)
A few MB/day on disk
no VDB  1 process

2 olnode
4 GB  /core no / ?
yes / Omicron triggers
DA veto production
Omicron - DAQ shared memory - ~400 raw data channels - Omciron triggers files (root format) on disk
- 1 file per channel written each 12 s
 5 GB/day
(13 MB / channel / day)
30-40 processes - ~40 olnode
- multi core machines is favored

4 GB / core
no / DAQ
yes / raw data
monitoring multi-channel transient triggers production
Omega scan
- raw data files (1 file at a time) - ~200 channels  ~20 MB / scan
- few scans per day (100 MB / day)
no   1 or 2 processes
1-2 olnode
 4 GB / core
no / on demand only
 no  investigations  multi-channel scan. OmiScan should be preferred
- omicron triggers files - files on disk
- files on disk (web server)
- 5 MB / scan
- few dozen scans / day
--> 100 MB / day
no  channel DB
 several hours/day
4 GB / core
 no / user scripts and on demand
 investigations  substitute for Omega scans: faster and lighter
- DAQ shared memory
- raw data files on disk
~30 channels?
spectro GWF files on disk
 1.2 GB  / day
no  no  1 process 24h/day
 2 cores like those of olserver
 2 GB / core
 no / DAQ
 yes / raw data on disk
  compute spectra for spectrograms
DMS, noise monitoring
- DAQ shared memory
~ 120 channels
- DMS database - files on disk (web server)
- DAQ stream
 - 10 MB / day?
no    ?  8 cores like those of olserver
 2 GB / core
 no / DAQ
 yes / raw data on disk
 monitoring, alarm, vetoes
all processes involved in detector monitoring and online noise monitoring
dataDisplay provider, dataSender
- DAQ shared memory
- raw data files on disk
 5-10 MB/s
no  channelsDB?  2 main processes 24h/day
- 5-10 sub-processes (one per data request)
few hours/day
 16 cores like those of olserver
 2 GB / core
 no / DAQ
 NA  commissioning, monitoring, investigations
server for access to DAQ streams or raw data files at Cascina and remotely
DQ developements and tests
- raw data files on disk
 dozen of channels
- files on disk
- 100-500 GB
no  no  few processes 24h/day
few days/month
 8 cores like those of olnode
 2 GB / core
 no / ??
 NA  investigations spare machines used for tests of DQ tools
 ~100 raw data channels
Files, LinesDB entries, web pages
- Files: few GB/day
- DB: few MB/year
-Web pages: few MB/day
 no  MySQL accessible to read and write results
~100 processes 2-3 hours/day
 1 core/process
1 GB/core in general, 3 GB/core for the 20KHz sampled channels
 will help
 no  Monitoring during commissioning & science runs
 low latency h(t)
(include state vectors)
 Frame files, graceDB
web pages
 ~1GB/day  yes  Cm
(ER3 configuration)
 128GB  no  yes  DQ studies and
 science run
Online data transfer
 low latency h(t)  Files, web pages
 10GB/day  yes  Cm  few  1  small  no  no    
Offline data transfer
h reconstruction
 DAQ  10-20 raw channels
 DAQ, files
 5GB/day  no  Cm  few  few  small  no  yes    
disk/ web
   web,files  ?  yes MySQL accessible to read and write results
   1core+distributed system for scripts
   maybe   Monitoring during commissioning & science runs
Noise monitors web interface

 All Channels
to be defined (depends on max bandwidth)

MySQL accessible to read and write results
 test  test    will help
  Monitoring during commissioning & science runs
HOSA raw.ffl to be tested
 files or DB
integrated in DNM(API)
 TBD    test test will help
  Monitoring during commissioning & science runs  
 Non linear system identification SFOS
 raw.ffl ~500 channels
web pages (?)
 TBD No do analysis via web (user interface) tests teststests
 tests yesMonitoring  and analysis for commissioning & science runs 
 under test
 Bilinear coupling monitoring raw.ffl ~100 channels
 TBD: integrated in DNM(API)
 TBD No TBD o(10-100) TBD TBD yes yes Monitoring during commissioning and science run
 NonStatMoni raw.ffl TBD integrated in DNM(API) TBD    TBD TBD will help
 Monitoring during commissioning and science run