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by Gergely Debreczeni last modified 2013-11-25 15:00

Regular VDASC weekly telecon (25/11/2013)


  • Issue tracking for VDASC tasks ? - Would be nice to track issues over the month not in emails and minutes but in an organized, structured way. Using of issue tracker (trac/redmine/trello etc....) (Gergely)
  • Better organized and international (.org/.eu) Virgo/EGO web pages
  • Computing web page. What should it contain ? (Gergely)
  • Using grid for analysis jobs. (Discussion, brain storming) - What tools are available for tracking job status ? Common problems, etc.. Slides by Gianluca: MBTA on the Grid
  • Re-start of data transfer testing and requiremens (Gergely)

