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by Marie Anne Bizouard last modified 2013-02-07 17:28


1. Announcements

2. DAQ software issues
- virgoStaging status and use
- packages realignement program [VirgoPolicy/v2r6 PackageBuild/v0r5, root version]
- new DA packages:
lalsuite/v1 (metaio, libframe, libxml2, gsl)

Franco, Antonnella, Stefano, Elena, Cristinao, Florent, Benoit, Didier, Emmanuel, Loic, MAB, Alain

2. DAQ
- virgoStaging: [Franco's slides]
set of "restricted" set of users authorized to install CMT packages.
use of sudo for security reason. Tested. Works fine. 2 scripts. PmInstall * PmShow

PmIntsall checks if the package has been already installed in virgoApp and virgoStaging.
"sudo -i" source the Virgo environment. This is needed to install Virgo packages 

CVS & CMT are mandatory. Pm installs packages that are CVS commited and tagged.

multi-platforms option?
Franco: different way of doing this. should be available soon. Need to finalize scripts with Emmanuel.

MAB: how will be managed the set of "authorized users"?
Franco: users will be able to issue sudo command with their own passwd. Installation is done for pm_user.

Benoit asks for having this fonctionality asap.
Conclusion: Franco will send an email when things are ready to use.

- Package realignment:
MAB: DA software re-installation in Lyon requires to install 2 versions of different packages. There exists a new VirgoPolicy v2r6
version. VirgoPolicy v2r5 needs to be cleaned up. Why not organizing a reliagnement of all packages now?

Franco: realignemnet has started for basic packages because of SL6 porting. + few other packages (dataDisplay pbs solved now). But Rrealignement done on top of virgoPolicy / v2r5. Not against a full realignement, but can this be linkded with ER planning?

Benoit: ER: the only key packages are FFTW & Fd. New version of Fd just before a run is not unlikely. Fd and RT packages could be updated just before the run starts.

Conclusion: OK for ER4 target

Platforms: Current situation : SL5 (olnodes) , SL4 (old old machines) new machines: SL6. When approaching science run: move to SL7.

Didier: I agree with this plan. Why new machine on SL6 right now?
Stefano: for new hardware support of SL6 is granted. Keeping SL5 would be much more work.

Loic: at a VDAS call you said SL6 lifetime 5-6 years --> first run with SL6. No?
Stefano: SL7 will be available by the end of the year. New features will be offered with SL7, so we will want to use them.

Benoit: new purchased machines are installed with SL6.  no more SL4 (control room machines + some olserver + storage servers, real time PCs) nor SL5. Sounds OK!
Conclusion: Franco and MAB will prepare a proposal for the realignement exercice, taking into account: SL6 + SL5 platform, PackageBuild, VirgoPolicy / v2r6 cleanup, census of ext packages.

- AOB: next VDAS call in 2 weeks