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by Marie Anne Bizouard last modified 2013-01-10 23:01


1. Announcements
 - CCIN2P3 software installation re-organisation

2. ER3 preparation
 - new 32 cores machines installation [Giuseppe]
 - low latency searches: needs & problems
 - low latency data transfer monitoring  [monitoringweb for data transfer] [doc for ER3]
 - bulk transfer (Cascina --> CNAF & CCIN2P3) tests preparation [Livio, Alberto, Florent] DT wiki

3. AOB - subjects coming soon at VDAS calls
 - AdV computing plan preparation
 - data transfer / data management project organization
 - Condor @ CNAF
 - Remote data access in Virgo CCs

Attendance: Benoit, Giuseppe, Stefano, Franco, Livio, Nicolas, Florent, Frederique, Alberto, Cristiano, Didier, Loic, Elena, Antonella.

1. Announcements
MAB will send an email to VDAS mailing to explain the new organization. Feedback from Lyon users is expected.

2. ER3
- new machines installed with Virgo environnement. Name: olserver40, reserved for MBTA. Franco: few fixings to the environment. Benoit: need to open some ports to test low latency transfer from this machine as well. Olnode34 crashed during Christmas break. Giuseppe found it down. Stefano: we agreed on gateways to exchange data with LIGO with Public IP. Benoit: may want to test olserver40 connection with LIGO. Stefano: LSC-gateway is sending MBTA alerts to GraceDB server in LIGO. Nicolas would prefer to make transfer test with olserver40 after ER3.
Conclusion: tests might be done, but is a low priority.

Benoit: ER3 PSD choice? why switching to recolored data after the run? Why not keeping Gaussian?
Nicolas/MAB: would be better to keep recolored data permanently. Agree to switch to recolored data, but this means we will be using 3-4 weeks of the same data for permanent broadcast. Nicolas will make sure LIGO colleagues understand this.

- Low latency data transfer monitoring: Didier provided web pages that show latency of received H1 L1 data. Will add V1 bounced from CIT. MAB: no way to see if V1 data are effectively sent to CIT. Benoit LIGO monitoring could be added to Virgo monitoring web page. Will not show that data have been sent at Cascina, but Benoit argued that  90% of the case the pb at CIT is at the broadcast level from the head node and the other nodes.

MBTA update: lots of work to do on the new machine.
Omicron update: will run on 1 channel
Noemi update: will run on 1 channel and test condor if available.

Condor installation status. Stefano: installed on olnodeXX of Noemi. Need to configure condor for applications. It concerns ~15 nodes.

- bulk transfer:
lots of discussion that shows some misunderstandings about the project. One of the difficulties is the fact that this is related to AdV computing plan which is not fully adopted yet by Virgo. Need to move forward in parallel many activities. A group of volunteers in Virgo: Alberto, Florent, Loic and MAB are willing to work with EGO computing department (Livio+Antonella) on the subject. First thing will be to define specifications having in mind what are the missing elements wrt Livio's tool, then discuss technical requirements. Elements of the DT prototype developed by Alberto and Cristiano in the past should be used when they present interesting functionalities, but that's the kind of things that require discussions inside the working group.
Another important aspect for this working group is to get educated with current architecture and tools and identify what will be needed for AdV. Firts meeting next week.

3. AOB
Franco asked about the status of PackageBuild developed by Emmanuel Pacaud. MAB tested it for few packages. Works rather fine. For instance lalsuite is now installable with PackageBuild. MAB rather happy. Franco wants to perform more tests.
MAB will send versions and list of package already under PackageBuild