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by Marie Anne Bizouard last modified 2011-05-12 02:01
                   See all working groups in the DASWG wiki

  • Current issues:
    • Data transfer/data access at CNAF and CCIN2P3
      • update on VSR2/VSR3 pre-staging at CNAF (Alberto, ...)
      • Lyon data access (MAB, ...)
    • NOEMI: online access to Hrec_Veto_ScienceMode stored in trend data
    • SPR access outside Cascina (Stefano, ...)
    • VSR4 data transfer preparation (Livio, Nicolas, MAB, ...)
    • AOB?

  • Specific topics:
    • CMT/autoconf interoperability:
    • Adv Detector software developments: workflow


Stefano C., Alberto C., Livio S., Franco C. N. Leroy, Benoit M., Gergely D., C. Palomba, Guiseppe DB, MAB


  • Announcements
    • ASPERA meeting, call for participants
Gegerly is volunteering. Discussion about the scope of the talk: more information came after the meeting. General talk about Virgo use of computing  (storage/transfer/CPUs) and the use of computing centers.
Not aware of other Virgo participants but meeting is opened. MAB will contact the VEB + discussion offline of the content of the talk.
                   See all working groups in the DASWG wiki
MAB: Virgo needs to participate to the 2 working groups as Virgo is directly concerned. If we don't participate we won't have the opportunity to express the Virgo point of view (requirements + implementation).

Benoit: I'm interested by the 2 subjects but these are LSC working groups.
MAB: The LSC is asking explicitly a Virgo participation. Other participation (in addition of Benoit's one) is very encouraged especially from Data analysists.
--> take that offline

  • Current issues:
    • Data transfer/data access at CNAF and CCIN2P3
      • update on VSR2/VSR3 pre-staging at CNAF (Alberto, ...)
Alberto is in contact with CNAF. VSR2 and VSR3 files all on disk except 2. disk is full at 90%. VA3 files are still occupying lots of space. CNAF does not want to delete VA3 files by hand because the system should work without such kind of intervention. To avoid to loose VSR2/3 data, Alberto will set up a crontab script that just does a touch of the VSR2/3 files.
      • Lyon data access (MAB, ...)
MAB: the problem comes from file staging that takes too much time. Applications then fall because of timeouts of functions open/read. Is there a way to play with time out duration for UNIX system function?
Benoit: presently the framelib is using open/read functions. You could try to use fopen/fread. I will send the instructions in an email to compile the framelib with these functions.
    • NOEMI: online access to Hrec_Veto_ScienceMode stored in trend data
Benoit is proposing to generate h(t) online frame files with frames of 10 s instead of 1 s and to store the science mode info both in online and in any reprocessed h(t)  frame files.
    • SPR access outside Cascina (Stefano, ...)
Stefano: system is now opened without identification to the firewall, but restricted to some pre-defined domains.
MAB: it seems that not all LSC lab domains are included. From Carleton it does not work.
Stefano: send us your domain and it will be added.
MAB: we cannot ask any LSC/Virgo users to provide the domain of the lab they are working at a given time. People will refuse to do that. Users are travelling and want to access web pages from any place. This can only be done through an authentification system.
Benoit: why not using credentials
Stefano: what we are think to set up is going in that direction, but will use European national authentification credentials and credentials would be allowed through a federation.
MAB: when will that be ready at Cascina?
Stefano: within 1 year.
In the meantime Franco will investigate the possibility to put the SPR web page inside the Active Directory system. That means that user must have an account at Cascina
MAB: that does not solve the problem ... we cannot ask any new LSC users (including undergraduate students) to send an email to service to obtain an account. People are expecting to use their unique credentials system to be able to connect to all web pages.

    • VSR4 data transfer preparation (Livio, Nicolas, MAB, ...)
Livio: no problem
    • AOB?

  • Specific topics:
    • CMT/autoconf interoperability:
Franco: heard that LSC has envisaged to use CMake in the future.
Benoit: library dependencies which is nicely handled by CMT seems not be managed by CMake.
MAB: share the concern
Benoit: what about the support for CMT?
MAB: CMT is still supported at LAL, but there is no new big developments. Will contact CMT maintenance team.

Meeting adjourned. Next meeting in 2 weeks