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by Marie Anne Bizouard last modified 2012-10-26 00:25

VDAS call

1. Announcements/news about computing

2. Data access / data transfers
    VSR2 subset data to Cascina (demand from Bas - done?)
    S6 RDS transfer to Lyon (new demand from Florent)
    Missing S6 h(t) files at Lyon and Bologna (investigation by Scott & Jeff)

3. Cascina LAN network upgrade announcement (see Antonella email)

4. Computing needs for 2013 - JECC meeting preparation
5. AOB

Attendance: Elena, Florent, Didier, Benoit, Loic, Nicolas, Stefano, Livio, Antonella, MAB (taking minutes)

1. Pia and Alberto are visting CNAF today to discuss plans for future + data transfer + data access + computing needs from Virgo. Need to restart the discussion about the computing plan and elaborate a scenario/plan of upgrades

2. data transfer status:
- VSR2 subset data have been transfered (end oct 9th) to Cascina. Livio still needs to generate a ffl
- S6 RDS volume: 2 x 40 TB. Cascina LDR buffer: 12 TB. Antonella gives an estimate of the price: 85 euros / TB --> ~ 7000 euros. Benoit worries about extra cost. Antonella would prefer to put that on 2012 budget. MAB said that it should be covered by the provisional budget for 2012 that has not been fully used (less cpmputing done, no data transfer). Antonella asks for an official demand.
- Missing S6 h(t) files: all seems to indicate the problem comes from the files merging done by LIGO folks before transfer.
Email from Scott later:
I have done an analysis of what was bundled and replicated to Cascina versus what is in the archive at Caltech and found this:  Missing segments for LHO: [segment(942848768, 942865152), segment(944948352, 944964736), segment(947559296, 947559936)]  Missing segments for LLO: []  That is, 3 segments missing for LHO and none for LLO.  If that does not reconcile with what you are seeing in Lyon please let me know. 

3. LAN upgrade: need to know the applications flow. DAQ servers mainly concerned. Dedicated F2F meeting will be organized during the Virgo week with Loic and EGO computing group.

4. document in preparation. What is missing concerns mainly CBC and burst groups computing needs for 2013. This is important as it also conditions other projects like gwtools developed by Gergely. On-going discussion with CBC chairs + Pia. More soon. Document to be circulated next week.

5. AOB: Virgo week : DA session on monday afternoom. Need to have a computing model discussion/presentation. VDAS session at the end of the DA session?