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by Marie Anne Bizouard last modified 2012-02-10 00:22

1. Announcements:

    • ECC report [MAB, Antonella]
2. Current issues: 3. Software developments
  • VDB


Attendees: Nicolas, Alberto, Elena, Livio, MAB (minutes), Tjonnie


1. ECC: presentations of Cascina computing architecture + CC uses + DA overview with an emphasis on the online search. No feedback yet. Committee asked for Virgo Computing Model for advanced Virgo. Subject will be disucssed in VDAS calls.

2. Current items

  • Data access @ CNAF: affair followed up by Alberto. We need to get the utilities to pre-stage data on disk @ CNAF
  • NINJA2: not clear how we will transfer the data: directly to Cascina through LDR or directly to CNAF. Gianluca & Gegerly absent
  • SER1: Nicolas explains the main problems encountered so far. It seems to be located at the "broadcast" level at CIT. All that will have to be fixed for ER2. Virgo data production is working fine. MAB: it seems there are some conflicts between low latency and offline DA activities. Is such an absence of logical separation the right strategy? Strange choice!

3. Software developments: nothing to report about VDB today


Next meeting Feb 23rd