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by Marie Anne Bizouard last modified 2013-06-06 23:37



1. Announcements
2. procdata move status
3. Software alignement status [wiki]
4. CVS-->SVN
- status
- guidelines's doc
5. AdV benchmark work
6. AOB


Livio, Giuseppe, Stefano, Franco, Benoit, Didier Florent, MAB, Loic


2. Procdata reorganization: Benoit & Florent & Didier have started to cleanup "their" spaces. Cleanup to free space. MAB proposes a quarantine where each space "responsible" will move what they think should be deleted. After a 40 days period where everyone will be asked to reclaim their goods, files will be collected in a tarball and sent to Lyon HPSS archive or /dev/null
MAB-->will prepare a "cleanup" table with responsible names

3. Software alignement
All basic packages are aligned. Time to move to the other packages. New "external" packages : omega, ligotools and lalsuite
installed with PackageBuild. Ready to be installed in virgoApp and computing centers.

MAB --> will prepare a table with list of packages that can be installed

4. CVS-->SVN move
- Franco: old packages --> 2005-2006-2007. Checking each "old" package is not easy. "Old packages" list is rather short. Compromise to be found. Franco still waiting for answers.
Conclusion : quick "blind" triage made by Franco & all old packages will remain in CVS in read-only mode.

Franco: All checks done. Guidelines document almost ready. MAB made remote tests. Need to decide a date for the switch.
SVN will make use of AD. Will include all ADs, except virgorun.
LVC account: with CVS readonly. No shared account in AD philosophy. Federation system authentification : not before 2015. Authentification review is a long process.
For the moment the only solution is that LSC colleagues get an AD account at Cascina. MAB+Benoit: this won't be accepted. We need to provide
Workaround proposed by Stefano: AD with a local mixed account.
June 20th.

5. Benchmark:
Stefano: some packages are ready:
Omicron offline

directory called ffl: 1 day of data. Offline tests all OK.

WDF: not yet working: missing NMAPI. Franco did NAP and NMAPI installation. Stefano will check with Elena. Need to copy RDS files.

FdIO server: no news, but just need to use the test Cm domain sl64test machine. Need to copy all what is needed on the local machine. Didier is volunteering to help.