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by Marie Anne Bizouard last modified 2012-03-29 19:02


  1. Current affairs
  • Computing plan: need tier2/3 information
  • data transfer (VSR4 RDS, missing files), data access, CC
  1. Focus session: VDB
  • Summary of Boston meeting discussion [Didier, MAB]
  • Update from VDB developments [Gary]


Attendance: Didier, Gary, Elena, Cristiano, Alberto, MAB, Loic, Chris VDB

Minutes (MAB)

  1. Announcement: MAB needs to collect Tier2/3 information for the Virgo computing plan. Please send information to MAB asap.
  2. Data transfer: MAB found some missing files in VA4 dataset at CNAF & Lyon. Livio is currently working on this. VSR4 RDS still need to be transfered to CNAF and CCIN2P3 
  3. VDB: Didier summarized the discussion with Duncan Brown, Peter Couvares and Ryan Fischer at Boston.

- segdb is going to be cleaned-up and simplified. segdb performance were not so great with heavy user queries. are interested to know about VDB performances. Discussion about the VDB API. Would require python API. Fruitful discussion. Agreed to share information and documents. Discussion about segdb/VDB synchronisation. LIGO does seem to consider to have 1 database. Did not mention the GEO database and whether nor how synchronisation will be done. segdb team interested to know about VDB performance.

Didier mentioned VDB API is just a wrapper to mySQL commands. Elena confirms that NMAPI trigger database are interfaced with python. Rather easy and performant.

Didier mentions that DMS data are now not used by data analysis. Thinking of merging this info stored in raw data and trend with DQ informations. MAB: is that usefull for DA?

- Gary explains his work with the testbed VDB: could perform test and estimate performance of all the different actions/queries we already talked about. Performance/stress tests. Gary is updating the VDB upgrade proposal document. It includes tests. new versioning, upload/download lists. Insertion of multiple segments lists. Test of queries. Get latest version of DQ flag X, with start/end, with values, ...


Didier: synchronisation of segdb/VDB: latency requirements are looser.

MAB: did we start writing any requirements?

Gary: this document is just a VDB upgrade document, describing a proposal. Just a chapter of the overall VDB software requirements document.

OK wait for the new document.

Didier: need to add checks of SegOnline feeding. 

Next steps:

- Gary will send the VDB proposal doc in the next days. Expect comments.

- Writing of the VDB software requirements

- next meeting VDQ in 3 weeks. Comments exchange by email before + requirements document can start before the next meeting.