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VDAS main

by Marie Anne Bizouard last modified 2013-09-30 10:41

Welcome to the VDAS main wiki page


Twice a month (Thursdays at 4pm CET). Discuss specific issues or go through a standard agenda
Instructions and minutes

Sub-working groups

  • Data transfer to CCs and with LIGO (responsible: Livio Salconi). Bookkeeping document
  • Data access in CCs (responsible: A. Colla & M. A Bizouard)
  • Software / library management (responsible: Franco Carbognani)
  • GRID in computing centers ()

Supported project developments

  • DT: Data transfer using GRID tools (Alberto Colla)
  • Pilot jobs in CCs (Gergely D. / Romain Gouaty)
  • VDB (Gary Hemming, Didier Verkindt, MAB)
  • Omicron (Florent Robinet, Nicolas Leroy)
  • KW (Nicolas Leroy)
  • NoEMi (Alberto Colla, Gary Hemming, Elena Cuoco)
  • Advanced detector software developments

Software management

  • Virgo software management page
  • procdata disk area re-organization page
  • Cascina SVN web

  • CVS-->SVN porting problems with packages managed through sCVS page

Advanced Virgo preparation


Useful links

Grid for dummies
Omega on Demand : LSC clusters
NINJA2 dataset

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