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VTF - Test Procedures

by Bernhard Lopez last modified 2006-10-23 18:19

Here you can find and/or contribute test procedures for specific subsystems that can be simulated at the VTF.

VIRGO Common Software (VCS) Release Test

Test procedure for VCS-4.0

Start VTF Daemons

  • Log into WS olvtf as user vcstst
  • vcstst@olvtf> setenv CMDOMAIN CascinaVCS
  • vcstst@olvtf> $CMROOT/mgr/NameServer.start CascinaVCS &
  • vcstst@olvtf> $DBROOT/mgr/DbServer?.start CascinaVCS &
  • vcstst@olvtf> $ELROOT/mgr/ELServer.start CascinaVCS &
  • vcstst@olvtf> $ELROOT/mgr/ESServer.start CascinaVCS &
  • vcstst@olvtf> $VMMROOT/mgr/VMMServer.start CascinaVCS &