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by Bernhard Lopez last modified 2007-03-02 10:46

Loading Linux drivers at bootup

Kernel 2.4:

Make an entry in the /etc/modules.conf file (create an alias for the driver) (Make sure that the driver is in the standard install directory. Configure the /etc/rc.sysinit file.
Make an entry to load the driver using the modprobe utility:

#Load the VME driver
/sbin/modprobe vme_universe
echo -n "Loaded vme_universe"

Kernel 2.6:

A compiled module can be installed (as root) via the command:

# install -m 644 <module_name>.ko /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/<module_name>.ko
# /sbin/depmod -a

Device files should then be created in the "/etc/udev/devices" directory in order to be created automatically at boot time:

# cd /etc/udev/devices
# mknod --mode=a+rw c <device_file_name> <major> <minor>

Add the module for startup by adding the following line at the file "/etc/rc.sysinit":

modprobe <module_name> > /dev/null 2>&1

Cm Print

"cm print" can be done manually by using:

cm send -to <server> -type CmRequestPrint -handler CmPrint

Installation of MPatrol

Download the sources from
As root:

# tar zxvf <source>.tar.gz
# cd mpatrol/pkg/auto
# ./setup
# ./configure
# ./automake -a
# make

VME interrupt level setting

You can use "vmeconfig il:X" to set the handled interrupt level of the RIO to X, e.g., "vmeconfig il:5".