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LabVIEW Package Alignment

by Bernhard Lopez last modified 2006-12-20 15:13

This page describes the procedure that allows to align LabVIEW based packages with the respective basic packages.

Modifying a basic package

  • scvsModify the respective package (Vlv, LVCommon or LVTemplates)
  • perform your modifications inside the src/ directory
  • when finished, build the distribution LLB-file: for the moment this is done manually following the steps indicated in the "LabVIEW Library Installation" procedure
  • you now should have a <package>.llb file inside the Linux-i686-SL4/ directory containing the modified VIs, which can then be used for the alignment of dependent packages

Aligning a basic package with a new version of another basic package

  • scvsModify the basic package you want to align (LVCommon or LVTemplates)
  • inside the src/ directory issue the following command in order to align the package:
# labview <basic_package_path>/Linux-i686-SL4/<package>.llb *.vi
For example, in case that the package LVTemplates should be aligned with a new version of LVCommon the following command should be issued inside the packages src/ directory:
# labview /virgoDev/LabView/LVCommon/v5r5/Linux-i686-SL4/LVCommon.llb *.vi
After reviewing and saving all changes the VIs belonging to the package should all point correctly to the new path of the basic package.
  • Now you can proceed as described in the previous section in order to build the distribution (LLB-file)

Aligning a UI package with a new version of a basic package

  • scvsModify the package you want to align (e.g. SuspensionUI)
  • inside the src/ directory issue the following command in order to align the package:
# labview <basic_package_path>/Linux-i686-SL4/<package>.llb *.vi
For example, if the SuspensionUI should be aligned with a new version v6r1 of LVTemplates:
# labview /virgoDev/LabView/LVTemplates/v6r1/Linux-i686-SL4/LVTemplates.llb *.vi
After reviewing and saving all changes the VIs belonging to the package should all point correctly to the new path of the basic package.
  • In case that the package that has been aligned uses building blocks like, e.g. the SuspensionBlock or the AlignmentBlock, also the support files defined at the LabVIEW project file have to be aligned accordingly:
    • Open the LabVIEW project file located inside the build/ directory
    • Identify the building blocks that are eventually used
    • Right-click on each block and select "Remove" (unfortunately there is no "Replace" option)
    • Then right-click on "My Computer", select "Add File..." and select the location of the corresponding building block (e.g. /virgoApp/LabView/LVTemplates/v6r2/Linux-i686-SL4/LVTemplates.llb/
    • Finally you have to tell LabVIEW what to do with the files you added, so expand the "Build Specifications", right-click on the project name and select "Properties..."
    • At the properties window select on the left category list "Source Files", then select the added block files from the list and then click on the arrow that moves the selected files into the "Dynamic VIs and Support Files" section.
    • Save the modifications and quit
  • To build the executable open the respective project file and click on "Build"