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by Giulio Ballardin last modified 2008-01-21 11:46

This page contains a list of possible problems generated during the use of Supervisor, EServerDSP (ESDSP) and CoilRelaySrv

  • SuperVisor problems:

    • EServerDSP is in green state into the SuperVisor UI but it seems it does not work: This can append if the EServerDSP crashes in strange way (for example after a  crash of the RIO) and CmName server did not update the list of the servers in life.


        For example the EServerDSP of NI does not work

        > cm names | grep _NI

        In this list should appear "Sa_EServerDSP_NI"

        Try with the command

        > cm send -to Sa_EServerDSP_NI -type PING -handler PING

        If you receive an the expert on call because the server is well running!!!

        If you do not receive any answers:

       > cm cleanup Sa_EServerDSP_NI

        In this case, after few seconds, the status of this server should become gray.

        If the status remains green after 20 secs, stop from the Supervisor Client the Suspension SuperVisor Suspension      server; and after restart the SuperVisor Suspension Server. After restart EServerDSP_NI server using the Client Supervisor

  • CoilRelaySrv problems

      • CoilRelaySrv goes in Error State: This problem appends during the opening phase of a Can device. This is in general a problem related to the can hardware or a problem of net


         Try to click on the Active button of SuperVisor User Interface.

         If CoilRelaySrv returns in Erros state open (with an editor like nedit or vi) you should open the file /etc/esd-plugin. In this file there is a list of three IP addresses: send a Ping to all of these. If you don't receivce an answer from any of these devices, call the net and/or hardware expert.

         Otherwise switch on/off the CoilRelaySrv. If it goes in Error call the software expert.

      • CoilRealySrv returns an unknow status for a tower: This problem appends in general during an un-lock event: a LowNoise command is follewd, after few seconds, by a HighPower command.


         Using the Supervisor user interface, try to lead the specific tower to HighPower.

         If CoilRelaySrv returns an unknow status use the cm messages:

         cm.exe send -to Sa_CoilRelaySrv -type GETCOILST -t <towerName> -handler GETCOILST_RPLY


        cm.exe send -to Sa_CoilRelaySrv -type GETCOILST -text NE -handler GETCOILST_RPLY

        You'd receive a command with these values:

       -int 2 <----Internal Stautus of CoilRelaySrv (must be 2)

       -int 1 <----1=HP; 0 = LN; -1= UNKONW

        If the second int is equal to -1 or 0 you have to use the next command (for High Power):

        cm.exe send -to Sa_CoilRelaySrv -type HIGHPOWER -text NE

        (or the next one for Low Noise

        cm.exe send -to Sa_CoilRelaySrv -type LOWNOISE -text NE)

       After this command send another time the GETCOILST command (view before) to know the coil status of the 


       If you receive an -1 value as second int, stop and re-star the server and restart the sequence of operation showed before.

       If at the end you receive an the expert on-call.