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Package Installation at virgoApp

by Bernhard Lopez last modified 2006-12-20 14:36
  • Log into a WS with the according OS version as swmgr.
  • Retrieve the source code from the archive:
> cd /virgoApp
> scvsCopy <package> <version>
> scvsCopy DbgLogUI v2r16
  • Compile the package and/or build executables (at each platform):
For SW packages:
> cd <package>/<version>/cmt
> cmt config
> cmt show uses
Check that no dependencies to /virgoDev remain
> make

For LabView packages:
> source /virgoApp/Virgo/<version>/cmt/Linux-i686-SL4.csh
> cd <package>/<version>/build
> labview <project>
Now build the executable. Remember to manually add the suffix ".exe" at the executable's name afterwards.
  • Install the links:
Remove manually the links at the InstallArea, e.g.:
> rm /virgo/VCS-4.0/VIRGOSW/InstallArea/Linux-i686-SL4/bin/<executable>.exe

To install the new links:
> cd <package>/<version>/cmt/
> make install_rel
  • Change access rights:
> cd <package>
> ~/bin/setPerms <version>
> ~/bin/setPerms v2r16

In case you need to update an alias in the environment follow dedicated procedure

LabView Library Installation

  • Retrieve the source as described before.
  • Build the library:
cd <package>/<version>/cmt
cmt config; make
cd ../Linux-i686-SL4
Now select from the "Tools" menu the "LLB Manager", then:
  • select the current path (incl. Linux-i686-SL4)
  • open a new window by clicking on the "Open New LLB Manager" icon.
  • on the prior window click on the "Create New LLB" icon and enter the library name (<package>)
  • then double-click on the new library <package>.llb in order to open it (should be empty)
  • on the other LLB Manager window select the /src path, then select all the contained VIs (use shift-click)
  • right-click on the selected VIs and select "Copy"
  • on the other LLB Manager (with the open library) right-click and select "Paste"
  • before unselecting the VIs in the library window right-click on the block and select "Top Level" (this permits that all VIs are automatically opened when the library is opened)
  • exit from LabVIEW
Due to a bug in LabVIEW eventually the following patch has to be applied to keep packages aligned correctly, mainly regarding the Vlv package. Here the example for LVCommon:
source /virgoApp/Virgo/<version>/cmt/Linux-i686-SL4.csh
cd <package>/Linux-i686-SL4
labview /virgoApp/LabView/Vlv/<version>/Linux-i686-SL4/Vlv.llb ./LVCommon.llb

Then several warning windows should pop-up, if there is no window everything was ok also before. Otherwise accept all warnings and save the modified VIs.


  • If there is a problem with access rights, and the package you installed is a first-time installation, you have to change the access rights for the directory manually, e.g: chmod a+rwx AlignemtUI/.