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Virgo Daemons Troubleshooting

by Bernhard Lopez last modified 2008-01-10 12:27

Here you can find relevant information related to problems and features of the VIRGO daemons.

Cleaning up NULL connections

Sometimes when issuing a "cm print <process>" there appear NULL connections. Those can be cleaned up by using the following command:
cm kill "<null>" <process>
In case that the NULL connection corresponds to the nameserver refer to the following section.

NameServer disconnected

In case of a network failure it could happen that the nameserver gets disconnected from all the processes. This can be seen by that fact that a "cm print <process>" would show a NULL connection which should correspond to the nameserver (i.e. the nameserver should not be in the list). This can be solved by restarting the nameserver once it is visible again.

Start/Stop procedures

See the respective procedures.