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Tests of the actuator Steering application with spare actuators

by ChristopheMoins last modified 2006-07-26 17:34

This page contains some procedures to follow when it is needed to test the actuator steering application using some spare actuators (picomotors or translation stages)

Picomotor Test :

One open loop and one closed loop picomotor are available for testing.
They are locating in the laser lab. The hardware configuration is stored in Db in ISYS/Actuator/PicoSrvCfg and is the following one :

  •  Interface Device host name : picocontroller
  •  Open loop picomotor located on the first connection of the first driver
  • Closed loop picomotor located on the second driver 
Tests should be done by launching the server in CascinaVtf from olvtf with the following command :
ActuatorApp.exe ISYS/Actuator/PicoSrvCfg ServerName
The client can be launched from any machine in the same domain. Two kinds of test can be performed :
  • Sending of requests from a Gui to check that the picomotors can still be steered.
  •  Sending a loop of requests to check the stability of the application.