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Injection System

by Bernhard Lopez last modified 2007-03-26 10:53

Configuring a Picomotor Ethernet Controller


  • Connect a terminal via RS232 (null-modem cable, 19200baud, databit 8, no parity, 1 stopbit, no flow control)
  • It is likely that you will not see what you type
  • Change the hostname by typing "HOSTNAME <hostname>" [ENTER]
  • Change the IP mode to "static" (i.e. no DHCP) by typing "IPMODE STAT"
  • Change the IP address by typing "IPADDR <IPaddres>" [ENTER]
  • Change the gateway IP address by typing "GATEWAY <IPaddress>" [ENTER]
  • Save the configuration by typing "SAV"
  • Make a rest by typing "RESET"


  • Check the hostname by writing "HOSTNAME" [ENTER]
  • Check the IP mode by typing "IPMODE" [ENTER]
  • Check the IP address by typing "IPADDR" [ENTER]
  • Check the gateway IP address by typing "GATEWAY" [ENTER]
  • Finally connect the controller to the Ethernet and try to connect to it via telnet (telnet <hostname>)

Actuator PPT

Actuator Presentation 27/01/06 :