IMMSServer. (Temperature and Pressure measurements using canbus)
This describes process of collecting data from buildings at EGO with the IMMSServer which collects data using Can devices.
It replaces the older IMMS which was based on EPICS( see EGO-MAN-OPE-82 ) although the channel names are identical to the old IMMS.
Analog sensor signals are sent to the Can device where they are converted from analog to digital and transferred over the internet. Each canbus contains an Ethercan device and several CAN-AI4 devices. The CAN-AI4 provides 4 analog signal inputs (AI4) which can host a maximum of 4 Analog sensors. The analog signals are converted to digital signals using a 12-bit converter and are then transferred over the internet using the EtherCan device.
e.g. All sensor signals for the Technical building go to the can box pictured below which is in the "locale pompe" room.
The IMMSServer is used to continously collect, calibrate and retreive the sensor signal via Ethercan.
IMMS Configuration: ======================================================================
The IMMSServer is called from within Infrastructure
Monitoring. (Cl /virgoData/InfraMon/ClInfraMon.cfg).
The configuration fie for IMMSServer is available by right clicking on Cl client (above) to see IMMS.cfg.
Each building has its own configuration file and the name
of the file reflects the building where the can is located.
e.g. The configuration file for Technical Building contains the letters TB…
The IMMSServer will only run on a machine set up for can bus. For
the IMMS InfraMoni.cfg sets CAN_HOST to olserver33 ( olserver33 is
configured for canbus). The procedure to configure a machine for canbus
is available here.
The Ethernet address for each can bus device can be found in the file /etc/esd-plugin on the configured machine (olserver33).
Signal Naming: ======================================================================
There are 6 can devices for each of the 6 buildings and signals are named as follows:
Type = PR for pressure or TE for temperature.
Building- > WE=West End ,WAB=WestEnd Inter Mediate, NE=NorthEnd, CB=Central
Building, TB=Technical Building, MC=Mode Cleaner.
DataName : it is made of the following acronyms :
- CW for Cold
Water or WW for Warm Water,
- EX for
- INL for
INLET or OUTL for outlet,
- AMB for
- PRINCL for
primary inlet,
- HEAT for
- CHIL for
- CA for Compressed Air
- Current (new!!).
For example, TEWAB11_EXINLCW is the temperature of the inlet cold water in the exchanger of the intermediate west building, the corresponding adc having the address 1 on the first network.
The channels collected are shown below. (This channel data is updated approximately every 1.4 seconds)-text IMMSServer_State 1 TECB11_OUTLAIR 21.89 TECB11_INLAIR 16.13 TECB11_EXINLWW 64.87 TECB11_EXOUTLWW 38.54 PRCB13_INLCW 3.02 PRCB13_OUTLCW 2.58 PRCB13_INLWW 2.30 PRCB13_OUTLWW 2.25 PRCB14_INLAIR 90.30 TETB11_INLCWCEB 9.61 TETB11_OUTLCWCEB 11.83 TETB11_INLCWCHIL1 8.87 TETB12_INLWWCEB 99.97 TETB12_OUTLWWCEB 66.55 TETB12_HEAT 59.26 PRTB13_INLCWTEB 2.99 PRTB13_OUTLCWTEB 1.87 PRTB13_INLWWTEB 1.66 PRTB13_INLCWCHIL1 -1.00 PRTB14_INLCWCHIL2 1.04 PRTB14_HEAT 1.36 PRTB14_OUTLWWTEB 1.14 PRTB14_CA 8.75 PRTB15_INLWWCEB 3.43 PRTB15_OUTLWWCEB 2.08 TENE11_INLCW 9.39 TENE11_OUTLCW 8.29 TENE11_INLWW 69.70 TENE11_OUTLWW 71.37 PRNE12_INLCW 2.76 PRNE12_INLWW 2.07 TENE13_FBAMB 21.01 TENE13_INLAIR 17.68 PRNE13_INLAIR 88.17 PRNE13_CA 8.79 INE15_CHIL -0.08 TEWE11_INLCW 9.94 TEWE11_OUTLCW 11.01 TEWE11_INLWW 68.11 PRWE12_INLCW 3.12 PRWE12_INLWW 2.05 TEWE13_FBAMB 23.71 TEWE13_INLAIR 18.45 PRWE13_INLAIR 30.18 PRWE13_CA 8.75 TEWAB11_PRINLCW 9.76 TEWAB11_EXINLCW 10.46 TEWAB11_EXOUTLCW 10.71 PRWAB11_EXINCW 1.90 PRWAB12_EXOUTCW 1.39 PRWAB12_PRINLCW 1.98 PRWAB12_INL1CW 2.43 PRWAB12_INL2CW 2.01 TEMC51_INLCW 5.79 TEMC51_OUTLCW 5.33 PRMC52_INLCW 3.57 PRMC52_OUTLCW 4.00
How IMMS reacts to HW errors ======================================================================================
There are three possible hardware errors which the IMMS experiences and can recover from..
1. Power loss or loss of contact with the Ethercan device.
If contact with one of canbus is lost IMMSServer will still function but lost channels
will not be included in the sms string
and the IMMSServer will go from golden to active state. An error message will appear on screen and in the logfile /virgoLog/InfraMon/IMMSServer/IMMSServer_{Date}.log
e.g. Jun13,09-16h33mn28>ERROR..-IMMSRead::GetIMMSDevice Fail -> FileName.c_str() /virgoData/InfraMon/IMMS/dbMonitoringTB.cfg lSmsString Nr_ETHERCAN_Fails/Nr_ETHERCAN 1/5
The above error indicates 1 (of 5) Ethercan has failed and the EtherCan is in Technical Building (TB).
If there is a problem in Technical Builiding try to ping this box (
ping ) or go to the web page for this box The address is listed in
Once the canbus connection is restored the IMMSServer will recover itself and should go to Golden State without any intervention from the user.
*If ethernet is not working the green lights above the ethernet
cable will stop blinking.The box can be reset by disconnecting power
cable at the base of green box shown on the far left of IMMS picture.
2. Errors on the CanBus.
The IMMS logs will indicate an error if there are communication problems between Can modules ( e.g. connection between ethercan and CanAI4).
E.g. Grounding problems on canbus caused the following error to appear in the log.
-check Ethercan<->CanCBMAI4 connection!!! -> indicates a communication problem between the EtherCan and the CanAI4 module...
If signals from a building start timing out the signal will be dropped.
Once the canbus connection is restored the IMMSServer will recover itself and should go to Golden State without any intervention from the user.
3. Damaged Sensors.
A broken sensor will provide strange signals. e.g. saturating or dead. Some signals are monitored in the display monitor and should trigger an alarm. You can also check trend data at to compare temperature and pressure with historical data.
N.B if a broken sensor on CAN-AI4 saturates the analog input signal this affects the other 3 signals on the same device ( see logbook entry #24093 ). This can cause a false alarm to be automatically generated. This affect is being investigated.
You can add or delete channels you wish to monitor by modifying configuration files.
E.g to stop reading values from Technical Building coment out the file for Technical building
vim /virgoData/InfraMon/IMMS/IMMSServer.cfg ( ...or select "edit config" from Cl menu ).
#ETHERCAN_FILELIST "/virgoData/InfraMon/IMMS/dbMonitoringTB.cfg"
If you only want to stop reading only one signal eg...TETB11_INLCWCHIL2 for Technical Building..
vim /virgoData/InfraMon/IMMS/dbMonitoringTB.cfg
#CBM_AI4 'TETB11_INLCWCHIL2',1,4,0.0038146969,-25
You can also modify slope/offset of can device from this file.