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IMAC (Temperatures). Eurotherm over Modbus

by Martin Mohan last modified 2010-01-25 09:25

This page provides troubleshooting information should the Eurotherm fail.

IMAC (Eurotherm)

A second IMAC server called "eurothermServer" was added on 19 September 2007. This server gathers data using modbus protocol from eurotherm temperature monitors ( server is located on server ctrl1. The software is run from cl by putting eurothermServer into active mode.
Over 19 days  ( 9 September 2007 -> 08 October 2007) there were 328320 reads and 104 read errors.  The calculated total read reliability is 99.97%. (which consist of  5.4 random read errors spaced over a day). When a read error occurs the old value is used ( i.e  the value from 5 seconds previously ). The errors are acceptable for this type of measurement.

Every 5 seconds values are read from 8 temperature controllers at the following locations....
IMAC_WE_* - West End Building
IMAC_MC1_* - Mode Cleaner 1
IMAC_MC2_* - Mode Cleaner 2
IMAC_CE_* - Central Building
IMAC_NE_* - North End Building
IMAC_CO_* - Control Room
IMAC_DAQ_* - Data Acquistion Room
IMAC_EE_* - EE Room in central building.
IMAC_LL_* - Laser Lab in cental building.

We read 8 key values from each controller ( for example from WE)
IMAC_WE_Loop_1_Main_PV 22 - Temperature Process Value
IMAC_WE_Loop_1_Main_TargetSP 22 - Target temperature
IMAC_WE_Loop_1_Main_ActiveOut 6.4 - Control signal value ( range 0 100 )
IMAC_WE_Alarm_1_Out 0 Alarm Signal
IMAC_WE_Loop_2_Main_PV 17.9 Temperature Process Value (Loop2)
IMAC_WE_Loop_2_Main_TargetSP 18 Target temperature (Loop2)
IMAC_WE_Loop_2_Main_ActiveOut 16.8 Control signal value ( range 0 100 ) (Loop2)
IMAC_WE_Alarm_2_Out 0 Alarm Signal (Loop2)

In the event of a failure check the error log /virgoLog/InfraMon/eurothermServer for errors and where error occurred. The address of the failing Device should be in the log.

eg. When a line went down the  error was...
Severe > MBus Channel open failed at Euro IMAC_NE_ address

This indicates modbus communication failure with the eurotherm in the North End building. The ip address of the device is To check
cmpl39[~]: ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.

--- ping statistics ---
5 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 3999ms

After the line is fixed (i.e. when ping works) the eurotherm server should recover by itself without needing to restart the server.
To add another eurotherm add line to file /virgoData/InfraMon/eurotherm/eurothermServer.cfg with name and IP address of the new eurotherm.
N.B. The eurotherm uses 'strict' modbus protocol and you must set this once using the panel on the eurotherm pictured (It cannot be done remotely).
See modbus manual section "2.8.2 How to Edit Parameters" at /virgoDev/eurotherm/v1r9/doc/3508_3504_man1_en.pdf
‘Access Level conf’.-> password = 2
[press buttons] Ethernet->comms->H->unitID_Enable - strict.

To see  current values for eurotherm log in as virgorun and call.
Cl /virgoData/InfraMon/ClInfraMon.cfg
Nitel values are shown on top and eurotherm values are below. You can see log and configuration of servers by right clicking on the server.
Cl InfraMon Image