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by Martin Mohan last modified 2010-08-11 16:48

How To Check data collection for LaserChiller and LaserChillerDiodes.

Server LaserChiller measures the temperature of the main LaserChiller.
Server LaserChillDiodes measures the 4 diode temperatures of the main laser chiller.

Both servers read over ethernet bridges which connect to an rs485 interface using custom cables. The LaserChiller Diodes are in the EEroom and the LaserChiller itself is in the small room beside the EEroom.

This page shows how to check LaserChiller from high level to hardware level.

Log on as virgorun on to a machine in the 72 domain (e.g. olserver4/ctrl22).
ssh -Y -X -l virgorun ctrl22  // Puts you in correct cm domain and internet domin

1. Check if LaserChiller and LasChillDiodes are running.
Cl /virgoData/ISYS/ClISYS.cfg
If all ok then this should show golden state. (click on arrow beside server to check log file ).


2. You can see if data is lost at collector by calling.
Cl /virgoData/DAQ/ClDaqCollect.cfg

or dataDisplay -> dataDisplay input-> FbMoniShift:connect online -> search V1:Bs..Las
load trend.ffl ->

3. Is the server running?
cm connects | grep LaserChillDiodes

4. Check cm is working.
cm send -to LaserChillDiodes -type FbGetAllSmsData -t All -i -1 -t -1 -handler FbSmsData
 -int 0
  -text LaserChillDiodes_State 2 LaserChillDiodes_Temp1 23.8 LaserChillDiodes_TargetTemp1 23.8 .......

5. Reboot the netcom ethernet switch (the failure of this switch is most likely the cause of signals remaining fixed )

Call firefox from a computer which can access the Laser ip addresses. eg. ctrl1

LaserChiller -> http:://  -> "Reboot"

LaserChillDiodes -> http:://  -> "Reboot"

The rs485 cables for main laser chiller and LaserChiller Diodes are described
below. The custom cables and settings are different for both. You should not
need to modify wiring or communication settings but information is here for

LaserChiller settings...
Rs485 communications between main LaserChiller and netcomm bridge.
West 6100 -> half duplex, address 1
Netcom 113 ethernet/rs485 -> Rs485 by ART 2 wire without echo (i.e. dip switches on,on,off,off.)
->baud 4800, parity even, data bits 7, stop bit 1

Name    West 6100          <-> LaserChiller <-> netcom bridge
Data A+   12                   <->     3            <-> 3
Data B-    11                   <->     2            <-> 4

male Db-9 pinout (at LaserChiller) <-> Db-9 pinout (at Netcom):
1  2  3  4  5              <->    5  4  3  2  1
-  *  *  -  -                 <->     -  *  *  -  -
  -  -  -  -                   <->      -  -  -  -
  6  7  8  9                <->     9  8  7  6

LaserChiller Diode settings...
RS485/Netcomm communications between LaserChiller Diodes and netcomm bridge
identical except for baud.
->baud 9600, parity even, data bits 7, stop bit 1

Name    West 6100+         <-> LaserChillDiodes <-> netcom bridge
Data A+   12                    <->     1                    <-> 3
Data B-   11                     <->     6                    <-> 5

male Db-9 pinout (at LaserChiller) <-> Db-9 pinout (at Netcom):
1  2  3  4  5                  <->    5  4  3  2  1
-  *  *  -  -                     <->     -  *  *  -  -
  -  -  -  -                       <->      -  -  -  -
  6  7  8  9                    <->     9  8  7  6

* means pin soldered


The number of reading and number of errors is available to LaserChillDiodes and LaserChiller.

For LaserChiller. From period June 10 at 09:16 -> June 17 at 09:11. There were 15 read errors in 291029 reads.

For LaserChillDiodes From period June 10 at 09:17 -> June 17 at 09:06. There were 13 errors in 70087 reads.

The errors may be due to network errors.

Below shows pictures of LaserChiller and LaserChillerDiodes

