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DAQ network schematics

by Daniel Sentenac last modified 2009-03-10 08:41

Daq network schematics can be accessed through the Web HWII interface

Daq network schematics can be accessed through the Web HWII interface. The latter contains a link to the CFGDB database which contains information about the server configuration.  In general, one may query for a machine name to access them. Two types of information are provided, the process list running on a machine and the process interdependency from the DAQ point of view.
Lets suppose we want to know about olserver1. In the HWII interface we search the alia/name olserver1 in the search page to obtain the location of the machine in the Integratrion Chain :
olserver1 process list

Then, by clicking in the circle close to olserver1 one obtains the process list running on olserver1:


FbmMain itself is in blue meaning that this process controls a share memory segment.
Then, by clicking on a server name one obtain the DAQ dependency with other processes running on other machines. For example the FbmMain dependency is:

FbmMain DAQ links

Here we can see that the FbMain accept two input server using Cm communication from olserver5, and delivers data to several Alp servers on the same machine.

More possibilities are:
1) access to diagrams with more then one depth level.
2) access to the Cfg file of any process
3) access to the log file of a given process