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by Bernhard Lopez last modified 2009-03-09 17:01

Adding Signals to the Slow Monitoring System


  • Check that there are inputs available at the corresponding ADC boards. If not, add a corresponding board and configure it (Electronics Group).
Hint: you can check the configured boards at a RIO by using dspinfo.exe after the DSP server has started up.
Caution: general board configuration is done via the commands dspmap.exe and dspad.exe (not part of VCS), but they immediately stop any DSP activity (impact on operation).
  • Check the ID of the subsystem where you want to add the signals, e.g., ISYS.
  • Modify the Slow Monitor Server's configuration at the database (dbui). Here you have to modify the numbers of the ADC boards you want to include, the setup of the SM channels, etc.:
  • (Re-)start the Slow Monitor Server (ServerSM) at the corresponding RIO. This is normally done from the Supervisor UI (after restart change states to Configured, Active and Golden).

Hint: if your data comes from the DSP controlled software you have to use the (already existing) DSP interface server, e.g.: Sa_EServerDSP_ISYS. Note that this server also supports Slow Monitoring requests.

  • In order to inform the Slow Monitoring Frame Builder (Fbs) about the new signals you have to add an entry at the corresponding configuration file at /virgoData/Fbs/ (FbsDet.cfg, FbsSt.cfg, FbsTt.cfg, FbsMoni.cfg, FbsSusp.cfg, FbsVTF.cfg):
SMS <server_subsystem> <freq> <prefix> <extract serial tag>
SMS Sa_ServerSM_ISYS 1
  • After that you have to load the modified configuration and to restart the corresponding Fbs-server. This is usually done from the Cl-client UI.

Hint: do not forget to add an entry at the logbook about the new configuration and the server restart.

  • Finally you can check the new signals via the dataDisplay.

Tipps and Hints for the DAQ Servers

Slow Frame Builder (Fbs)

/virgoData/Fbs/FbsXXXX.cfg (XXXX=VTF, ...)
  • Usage of the Timing Server (TiServer?):
#TiServer  CmName   Sms  SetName
If Sms is set to YES then the SMSs from the TiServer are stored in the serial channel TiM. Just comment the line if no TiServer is used.
  • Maximum number of CM timing interrupt messages:
If there is a burst of cm timing messages only 3 are taken and the rest is discarded. This will be logged:
WARNING:... Skip 1 TiIrq
  • Frame timeout:
If a SMS arrives after 5 seconds it will be discarded. This will be logged:
".... too late"
  • Limit of CM consumers:
Not more than 2 cm-users are allowed.

  • Use the following command to get the SMS data from a Slow Monitoring server:
#cm send -to Lo25 -type FbGetAllSmsData -t All -i -1 -t -1 -handler FbSmsData

Fast Frame Builder (Fbf)

/virgoData/Fbf/FbfMoniCb.cfg  (control building)
/virgoData/Fbf/FbfMoniNe.cfg (north end)
/virgoData/Fbf/FbfMc.cfg (mode cleaner)

At these cfg-files you can set parameters like the timing, ADC channel and DOL configuration, etc.

PROCEDURE: Changing parameters of FFB ADCs
  1. Edit the corresponding cfg-file.
  2. Reload cfg of the respective server using the Cl-Client.
  3. Make an entry at the LogBook.
  • Fbf-processes run on RIO platform and just read ADCs and push the data through the DOLs.
  •  The DOL format information is stored at /virgoData/Fbf/xxxx.dic.
  • These files are written everytime a server starts up. The receiver takes the descriptors from this file if it does not receive any other through the DOL.
  • Several clients support the followin cm commands:
#cm send -to FbsMoni -type reloadConfig
#cm send -to FbsMoni -type CfgReStart
  • If there is a "compatibility problem" between the loaded Vx kernel module and the Vx library linked to the executable just log into the corresponding RIO, type "drivers" to check if "Vx" is loaded, the force the unload by using "VxUnload". Restart the Fbf-Server afterwards.
  • IMPORTANT: when rebooting rio17b make sure you stopped also rio17a's processes, as both are going to be booted.

Main Frame Builder (Fbm)


Define accepted inputs:
INPUT "FbfWe FbfNe ...."
Contains the cm names of the accepted Fbf-processes. Other providers will be ignored.

Trend Frame Builder (Fbt)


50Hz Frame Builder (Fbt50)


Time Server (TiM)


  • the (unique) TiServer runs on the master timing RIO
  • when no GPS is available the FF frequency should be set to 2000000
  • the TiM library provides functions for timing signal access
  • the DSPs are driven by the ADC board interrupts
  • use TiMGpsTime.exe to get the GPS time (does not connect to the TiServer !)
  • use TiMTim.exe to get info from the TiServer, caution with slowing down the time server (maintenance only) !
  •  at /virgoData/Ti/Tixx you can find automatically created files for all the timing boards
  •   if the TiServer crashes just restart it

PROCEDURE: Recover time system after Master Timing crate failure
  1. Stop everything
  2. Turn on the Master Timing crate
  3. Remove all files /virgoData/Ti/Ti* in order to force the servers to reconfigure the timing boards during startup.


Uses the atomic clock reference and checks GPS time accuracy and drift.

  • use dataDisplay to show signal TiMoni_Pr_Ti_AtomicPulse_dt (accuracy) TiMoni_Pr_Ti_AtomicPulse_t0 (drift)
  • you can also look at Pr_Ti_GPSPulse, Ti_MC_Frame, Ti_NE_Frame, etc.


From the Logbook (17/09/05): when a vega macro is stuck the only way to recover is:
  • run on the MdTrend's WS (olserver4), user "daq", the command: ps -u daq -o pid,etime,cmd | grep -b tcsh
  • kill the child process of MdTrend with the longest elapsed time

FFL (Fm)

/virgoData/ffl/raw.ffl, raw_bck.ffl, trend.ffl, 50Hz.ffl

FmServer (FmRawBack, RawStol)

  • build the ffl-files
  • check the timestamp
  • check the checksum
  • check the channels

  • to show the information of a frame:
#FrDump -i <input file> -d 0
Change the display level from 0 to 5 (-d <level>) to get more  information.
  • To get information about a specific channel:
#FrDump -i <input file> -t "Pr_B1_DC" -adc -d 5
  • To check a frame file:
#FrCheck -i <input file>
  • You can check the FdW log files at /virgoLog/FdW/FdWRawBack/<date>.log. Grep for "miss" to check for missing frames. Note that a value of -1 means duplicated dat


Virgo+ frame builders hosted by the rtpcXX machines. They are used to collect all the optical data comming from the ADC7674A and the TolmProcessors on other rtpcXX. Configuration files can be found in the ClDaqCollect client under th names Fb<ServerName> names.


50Hz consumer servers hosted by the rtpcXX machines can be found in the ClDaqData client. They send their data in the main frame builder 50Hz container Fbm50.