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25-08-2008 agenda

by Elena Cuoco last modified 2008-08-25 17:06

Discussion about Noise on line monitoring prepration

  1. Noise_online monitoring
  2. Talks for Amsterdam
  3. AOB


Participants: M. Del Prete, G. Vajente, M.A. Bizouard, F. Carbognani, E.Cuoco ,V.Dattilo, F.Paoletti

  1. We discuss about the document for the online noise monitoring. The idea is to reorganize what already exists for noise monitoring and add new software and tools in a coherent environment.We will try to use python, mysql, and common templates for web pages as much as we can. Nicholas Leroy is working on the importing of KleineWelle LIGO tool in Virgo, a tool which will be used by DQ group to create on-line veto lists. We will try to be compatible with LIGO environment for the ouputs, but also to standardize the web output for the noise monitoring environment, which will be chosen. We will use off-line nodes of the cluster to run these algorithms, and put in a common place theĀ  outputs. V.Dattilo, suggest to foresee also for these tools a Cl interface as for the other Detector Monitors, in such a way that during the runs the operators could check the status of the pipelines. This will be done together with EGO software group.
  1. Amsterdam Talks for DetChar sessions:
    1. DQ-VDB --> 1 or 2 talks
    2. Enviromental Noise -->at least 1 talk
    3. H-rec?
    4. Online Noise Monitors project