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Enviromental channels description

by Irene Fiori last modified 2009-07-20 09:55

The file contains the list of FIXED environmental probes names, location, usable bandwidth. Also list of additional channels or not working channels for 2009 WSR runs.

%%%% I.Fiori, last modification June 23 2009

%%%% 2) TEMPORARY PROBES during WSR runs

%%%% >>>>>>>> 1) FIXED PROBES:

%%%% >>> SEISMIC PROBES (Central Building, then MC, NE and WE)
%%%% unless specified, Bandwidth is:
%%%% Episensors: 0.1 - 100 Hz
%%%% PZT Accelerometers: 10 - 2000 Hz

S1CB) Episensor Accelerometer, on the External Detection Bench:
Em_SEBDCE01 West-East Direction
Em_SEBDCE02 South-North Direction
Em_SEBDCE03 Down-Up Direction

S2CB) Guralp velocimeter, on ground CB between the WI and BS towers:
Em_SEBDCE04 West-East Direction
Em_SEBDCE05 South-North Direction
Em_SEBDCE06 Down-Up Direction
Bandwidth 0.05 - 100 Hz

S3CB) Episensor Accelerometer, on the External Injection Bench:
Em_SEBDCE07 West-East Direction
Em_SEBDCE08 South-North Direction
Em_SEBDCE09 Down-Up Direction

S4CB) Episensor Accelerometer, on the Laser Bench:
Em_SEBDCE10 West-East Direction
Em_SEBDCE11 South-North Direction
Em_SEBDCE12 Down-Up Direction

S5CB) Episensor Accelerometer located on the WI TCS Bench:
Em_SETCSWI01 West-East Direction
Em_SETCSWI02 South-North Direction
Em_SETCSWI03 Down-Up Direction

S6CB) Episensor Accelerometer located on the NI TCS Bench:
Em_SETCSNI01 West-East Direction
Em_SETCSNI02 South-North Direction
Em_SETCSNI03 Down-Up Direction

S7CB) PZT Accelerometer, vertically on the Laser Bench in laser lab:
Bandwidth 1 - 2000 Hz (wrt VSR1: improved sensitivity to low frequency, and NAME CHANGED, was Em_SEIBLL01)

S8CB) PZT Accelerometer, vertically on the External Injection Bench in laser lab:
Bandwidth 1 - 2000 Hz (wrt VSR1: improved sensitivity to low frequency, and NAME CHANGED, was Em_SEIBLL02)

S9CB) PZT Accelerometer, vertically on the External Detection Bench in detection lab:
Bandwidth 1 - 2000 Hz

S10CB) PCB Accelerometer, horizontally on INJ Brewster window pipe lateral flange
Bandwidth 1 - 1000 Hz (NEW wrt VSR1)

S11CB) PZT Accelerometer, horizontally on the N side of the large flange the IB tower:

S12CB) PZT Accelerometer, horizontally on the N side of the large flange the PR tower:

S13CB) PZT Accelerometer, horizontally on the E side of the large flange the BS tower:

S14CB) PZT Accelerometer, horizontally on the S side of the large flange the NI tower:

S15CB) PZT Accelerometer, horizontally on the E side of the large flange the WI tower:

S16CB) PZT Accelerometer, horizontally on B1 rectangular window flange, E side of DET tower:
Bandwidth 1 - 2000 Hz (wrt VSR1: reduced sensor noise, and improved sensitivity to low frequency)

S1MC) Episensor Accelerometer, on ground between the MC tower and the North wall:
Em_SEBDMC01 West-East Direction
Em_SEBDMC02 South-North Direction
Em_SEBDMC03 Down-Up Direction

S2MC) PZT Accelerometer, horizontally on the West side of the large flange of the MC tower:

S1NE) Episensor Accelerometer, on the North End Detection Bench:
Em_SEBDNE01 West-East Direction
Em_SEBDNE02 South-North Direction
Em_SEBDNE03 Down-Up Direction

S2NE) PZT Accelerometer, vertically on the North End Detection Bench:

S3NE) PZT Accelerometer, horizontally on the North side of the large flange the NE tower:

S1WE) Episensor Accelerometer, on the West End Bench:
Em_SEBDWE01 West-East Direction
Em_SEBDWE02 South-North Direction
Em_SEBDWE03 Down-Up Direction

S2WE) PZT Accelerometer, vertically on the West End Bench:

S3WE) PZT Accelerometer, horizontally on the West side of the large flange the WE tower:

%%%% >>> ACOUSTIC PROBES (Central Building, then MC, NE and WE)
%%%% unless specified, Bandwidth is 1 - 4000 Hz

A1CB) Microphone, in the Central Building, South wall, oriented in the N direction:

A2CB) Microphone, on the External Injection Bench, in the laser lab:
(name changed wrt VSR1, was Em_ACLALL01)

A3CB) Microphone, on the Laser Bench in the laser lab:
(name changed wrt VSR1, was Em_ACBDCE02)

A4CB) Microphone, on the External Detection Bench in the detection lab:

A5CB) Microphone, on the WI TCS Bench:

A1MC) Microphone, in the Mode Cleaner building, East wall, oriented along the W direction:

A1NE) Microphone, on the North End Bench:

A1WE) Microphone, on the West End Bench:

%%%% >>> MAGNETIC PROBES (Central Building, then MC, NE and WE)
%%%% unless specified, Bandwidth is 4 Hz, 10kHz

M1CB) Magnetometers, placed in CB at floor level in the space between the BS and NI towers:
Em_MABDCE01, along the West-East direction
Em_MABDCE02, along the South-North direction
Em_MABDCE03, vertical direction

M1MC) Magnetometer, located in the North-West corner of the MC building:
Em_MABDMC02, along the South-North direction
(NEW with respect to VSR1)

M1NE) Magnetometers, at NE building floor level in the space between NE tower and the west wall:
Em_MABDNE01, along the West-East direction
Em_MABDNE02, along the South-North direction
Em_MABDNE03, vertical direction

M1WE) Magnetometers, at WE building floor level in the space between WE tower and the north wall,:
Em_MABDWE01, along the West-East direction
Em_MABDWE02, along the South-North direction
Em_MABDWE03, vertical direction

%%%% >>> POWER LINE PROBES (Central Building, then MC, NE and WE)
%%%% unless specified, Bandwidth is 4 Hz, 10kHz

P1CB) Voltage probe, on IPS line Central Building, DAQ room

P2CB) Voltage probe, on UPS line Central Building, DAQ room

%%%%% >>>>>>> 2)  TEMPORARY PROBES during WSR runs

%%%% WSR11:

%%%% additional channels
- Em_SEdiodeBOX, PCB accelerometer clamped on laser diode box in EE room, vertical
- Em_SEfloorEE, PCB accelerometer vertical on floor EEroom, underneath MC tube, next to laser fiber
- Em_SEturboIB, PCB accelerometer, clamped on IB turbo pump, valve box
- Em_SEturboPR, PCB accelerometer, clamped on PR turbo pump, valve box
%%% channels temporarily not working/noisy/modified:
- Em_IPSCB_50Hz was replaced by Em_IPSCB_50Hz_new which was sampled at 40kHz
- Pr_power50 was replaced by Pr_power50_new which was sampled at 40kHz
- Em_SETOPR01 disconnected
- Em_SETOBS01 noisy (polluted by several 10Hz and 50Hz)
- Em_SETCSNI02 noisy (polluted by several 10Hz and 50Hz)

- Em_SETCSNI03 noisy (polluted by several 10Hz and 50Hz)

%%%%% WSR12:

%%%%% additional channels
- Em_SETODE02, PCB accelerometer clamped on DET tower base, underneath Cryo-Trap
- Em_SEturboDE1, PCB accelerometer attached to DET turbo pump cooling fans
- Em_SEturboDE2, PCB accelerometer attached to DET turbo pump, valve box, tower side.
- Em_ACDBDL02, infra-sound microphone on EDB, next to Em_ACDBDL01, measuring range 0.1 Hz to 10k Hz
- Em_UPS_EER, voltage probe, on UPS power line EE room
%%% channels temporarily not working/noisy/modified:
- Pr_power50 disconnected
- Em_SETOPR01 disconnected
- Em_SETOBS01 noisy (polluted by several 10Hz and 50Hz)
- Em_SETCSNI02 noisy (polluted by several 10Hz and 50Hz)

- Em_SETCSNI03 noisy (polluted by several 10Hz and 50Hz)


%%%%% additional channels
- Em_SETODE02, PCB accelerometer clamped on DET tower base, underneath Cryo-Trap
- Em_SEturboDE2, PCB accelerometer attached to DET turbo pump, valve box, tower side.
- Em_ACDBDL02, infra-sound microphone, in front of DET LAB racks, measuring range 0.1 Hz to 10k Hz
- Em_IPSMC_50Hz, voltage probe on IPS power line MC building
- Em_UPS_EER, voltage probe, on UPS power line EE room
- Em_MADBDL01, magnetic probe, next to NI vacuum rack
- Em_MADBDL02, magnetic probe, next to NI vacuum rack
- Em_MADBDL03, magnetic probe, next to NI vacuum rack
%%% channels temporarily not working/noisy/modified:
- Em_SETOPR01 disconnected
- Em_SETOBS01 noisy (polluted by several 10Hz and 50Hz)
- Em_SETCSNI02 noisy (polluted by several 10Hz and 50Hz)

- Em_SETCSNI03 noisy (polluted by several 10Hz and 50Hz)

- Em_ACBDNE01, not working, NEXUS module off (broken)

- Em_SETONE01, not working, NEXUS module off (broken)

- Em_SEDBNE01, not working, NEXUS module off (broken)

- Em_MABDWE01,02,03, not working, WE env data server down
- Em_SEBDWE01,2,3, not working, WE env data server down
- Em_SETOWE01, not working, WE env data server down
- Em_SEDBWE01, not working, WE env data server down
- Em_ACBDWE01, not working, WE env data server down

%%%%% WSR13 (June 12-14 2009):

%%%%% additional channels:
- Em_SE_Cryo01, accelerometer at CryoTrap, attached to valve DET side.
- Em_SE_IBrack, accelerometer at IB vacuum rack
- Em_SE_IBturbo, accelerometer at IB vacuum turbo pump, attached to fans box

- Em_MADBDL01, magnetic probe, next to NI Susp rack
- Em_MADBDL02, magnetic probe, next to NI Susp rack
- Em_MADBDL03, magnetic probe, next to NI Susp rack

%%%%% not working/noisy/modified:

- Em_SEBDMC01,2,3 disconnected

- Em_SETONE01, not working, NEXUS conditioning module off (broken)
- Em_SEDBNE01, not working, NEXUS conditioning module off (broken)
- Em_ACBDNE01, not working, NEXUS conditioning module off (broken)

- Em_SEBDCE10, noisy (low frequency noise)

- Em_SETOBS01, looks noisy (several multiples of 3.6 Hz) but can be used in analyses

- Em_SETCSNI01,2,3 (episensor) was placed on DET tower upper flange

%%%%% VSR2 (status at July 20 2009):

%%%%% additional channels:
Em_SE_Cryo01, accelerometer at CryoTrap, attached to valve DET side.
Em_SE_Cryo02, accelerometer at CryoTrap, attached to neck of cryogenic tank.

%%%%% not working/noisy/modified:
- Em_SEBDCE10, noisy
- Em_ACBDMC01, channel not present since July 13, 22:00 UTC (faulty nexus being repaired)
- Em_SETOMC01, channel not present since July 13, 22:00 UTC (faulty nexus being repaired)