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2006 09 19

by Francesco Fidecaro last modified 2007-06-05 18:18

Agenda and minutes of the noise meeting

Noise meeting on Tuesday Sep 19 at 10 am


  1. WSR1 summary 5'
  2. WSR1 results: nonStatMoni Gabriele Vajente 15'
  3. WSR1 results: outlierMoni Eric Chassande-Mottin 15'
  4. WSR1 results: glitches found using MeanFilter Marie Anne Bizouard 5'
  5. Review of Run Task Sheets (Run Summary, outlierMoni, nonStatMoni, ...)
  6. Status of lines (TBC)
  7. Noise at 10 Hz in the Low Frequency Facility Angela Di Virgilio 15'
  8. Proposals for WSR2

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People not able to attend physically the meeting can use the teleconference (0039.02.67688, then 0698# after the welcome message) or Skype (ego_seminar_room)


Angela Di Virgilio, Gabriele Vajente, Giovanni Losurdo, Matteo Barsuglia, Roberto Passaquieti, Elena Cuoco, Francesco Fidecaro, Marie Anne Bizouard (LAL), Eric Chassande-Mottin (Paris), Joshua Smith, Raffaele Flaminio, Irene Fiori, Carlo Bradaschia, Michele Punturo, Giancarlo Cella, Adalb.erto Giazotto.


1. Review of slides by Andrea Viceré about WSR1 ( Note especially slide 14 desiderata by scientists.

2. Analysis of last lock by nonStatMoni. rms of 4-5kHz band fluctuates at 153 mHz, coherent with B5_ACp. Could be aliased down. Some coherence between bands of the dark fringe and WE_tx/ty. Coherence between bands of B1_ACp and ACq. Coherence with alignment  signals between 0 and 1 kHz. Frequency noise fluctuations appear at higher frequency. Frequency noise flucutations coherent somewhat with alignment signals. Results can be generated once a day.

3. Discussion on nonstationarity vs outliers with Eric's talk. Eric would like to receive suggestions about channels that could be analysed ofr outliers. We will have to understand which time scales we want. Test for gaussianity is also welcome.

4. Marie Anne showed some loud events. "Pulses" are seen in many control channels. From the discussion there is the need to run a correlation analysis with time shift to identify correlations. This is being put online. There is a need for injection of these sort of signals. Not easy to inject into error signals.

5. Commnets: keep only good locks. After how many minutes is the interferometer considered stable? Talk to alignment people. Include sensitivity. Possibility to superimpose sensitivity to reference curve of noise. Tool for calibration available in the trend data. Earthquakes should be listed. The workstation for the scientist has to be identified. Once the scientist has finished using the workstation it has to clean up. Environmental monitoring workstation is proposed.

7. Estimation of seismic noise of LFF.  Using noise measured by the cavity multiplied  by the coherence with seismic motion. Thermal noise estimation at 10-15 m/sqrt Hz at 10 Hz. Upconversion would be ruled out.