Elena Cuoco
last modified
2008-07-08 17:44
short meeting
- Brief report by stage students:
- Casey Stark (Identification of 40-45Hz noise)
- Helene Laffon (Waveform reconstruction of airplane event)
- what is the noise group:people and activities involved
- setup of regular meetings
- tools to share information among different "noise workers"
You can upload and read the slides at the following address
Participants: M.Del Prete, G. Vajente, S. Chatterji, H. Laffon, C. Stark, J.Garrett, E. Campagna, D. Huet, B. Swinkels, I.Fiori, F. Frasconi, H. Heitman, E. Tournefier
After the two talks of the stage students who worked on noise (you can find the slides at the link above)
we discuss a bit on the organization of the group.
Shourov described how it is organized the Detector characterization group in LSC. This is reported in the document http://wwwcascina.virgo.infn.it/DataAnalysis/Noise/doc/Noise_meetings/2008/July/T070083-00.pdf
The idea is to trying to organize in Virgo a similar group with all the sub-systems and to have regular report sfrom the group.
We have also to contribute to the writing of LSC-Virgo white paper for what concern DetChar setup and activities.
We discuss also on the fact that we have to start to be ready for next VSR2 and make the list of what will be our needs to be able to create together with LIGO an "event" triggers list to be sent to astronomical labs in the fastest way. This discussion will be reported in a wider audience also with astrophysics DA group and DA coordinator, since we have to produce a list of desiderata and needs which in a second step will be agreed also with computing and software EGO group. Maybe next Virgo week we could try to start this discussion.
We tried to find the space in the forest of meeting for the bi-weekly noise meeting.
A first proposal is Monday at 15:30. this could be a short meeting with the reports of the sub-systems.
The idea was also to have a once per month meeting together with LCS where results and talks.
When the ITF will be again on, maybe these meeting will be weekly.