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by Elena Cuoco last modified 2008-10-24 19:05


Discussion on Noise Monitors organization
  - Online DQ flags generation: proposed scheme (Didier)
  - Online Noise monitoring web pages: proposed summary web page (Didier)

Partecipants: E.Cuoco, M.Del Prete, E.Calloni, G. Vajente, V.Dattilo, J.Marque, D. Verkindt, MarieAnne Bizouard, I.Fiore, D.Huet, B. Swinkels



We discussed about the propoposal of noise monitors which you can find at the following link:

and the one linked by Didier in the Agenda.

The idea was to collect all the monitors for noise in a common web page. Some of these tools are already linked to on-line chain, some others read files, but could be put in the on-line chain.

We agree with Didier to merge what already exists for noise monitors and the new tools  in a common framework when we can meet  during Virgo Week.

We want also try to understand if there is an easy way for Nap software to be interfaced to FD/IO library. We should try to put the algorithms which should run on-line in the FD/IO chain.

This could help a lot Didier in the maintenance and folllow up of algorithms which could run on line.

Moreover,  Vincenzo proposed is not to put a monitor inside Detector Monitoring but to have the possibility to have an easy way to know
the status of the monitors
 (1) in a Cl client
 (2) in the Detector Monitoring web page with red and green flags.

For (2), the monitor can produce an xml file that will be read to incoporate the information in the Detector Monitoring web page.
For (1), the monitor needs the Cfg library and thus the practical way
would be that it uses FdIO which uses Cfg.


When Didier will be in Cascina, Elena, Gabriele, Giancarlo and Didier will try to setup and organize the monitors already available in such a way to start to tune them with the help also of commissioners.

We foresee also to have some alert tool for excess o glitchness  for example.

We discuss a bit also on a DataBase  interface which is foreseen in this monitors scheme.

The idea is to try to save in a DB the results of some algorithms for monitors and than to have a friendly interface to DB to perfoms simple operations, as correlations, coincidences and to writing of results in ascii files. This could help also the monitors from remote labs.