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VESF DA School, schedule

by Andrea Vicere last modified 2011-04-27 15:55

Schedule of the VESF DA School

Schedule of the School

We remind the attendees that all lessons and activities will take place at EGO.

A social dinner will take place in the evening of Wednesday, in Pisa.

Monday, May 2nd
Tuesday, May 3rd
Wednesday, May 4th
Thursday, May 5th
Friday, May 6th
09:00-11:00Welcome & Registration(*)
Event trigger generators(2)
Burst searches(4)
EM follow-up(6)
Stochastic background(7)
11:00-11:30Coffee break
Coffee breakCoffee breakCoffee breakCoffee break
11:30-13:00Tour of Virgo(1) detector
Data Quality(3)Practical session(4)
Practice session
Practice session
14:00-15:30Noise analysis(2)
Practice session
Elecromagnetic follow-up(5)
Practice session
Practice session
15:30-16:00Coffee breakCoffee breakCoffee breakCoffee breakCoffee break
16:00-18:00Practice session
Practice session
Practice session
Practice session
Practice session

(*) Includes an introductory talk on the Virgo detector
(1) Host: Andrea Vicere'
(2) Teacher: Elena Cuoco
(3) Teacher: Didier Verkindt
(4) Teacher: Nicolas Leroy
(5) Teacher: Eric Chassande-Mottin
(6) Teacher: Marica Branchesi
(7) Teacher: Giancarlo Cella