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Instruction for setting up the environment for EM follow-up

by Andrea Vicere last modified 2011-05-03 14:34

Instructions to setup the account on virtual machines for EM follow-up

The activity on EM follow-up requires using some software which is not compatible with the Virgo software environment.
For this reason, an alternate set of virtual machines should be used.

Virtual machines access

A set of 14 virtual machines is available:

Students are kindly asked to connect to the machine corresponding to their username, modulo 13.
For instance, user "school" will issue from Linux the command

 ssh -X

user "school1" instead
  ssh -X

and so on, until

 ssh -X

Environment setup

 Beware that the home directory in the "vesf#" machines is not the same as the one on the "farmn#" machines!

 To set up the environment, after logging in your vesf# machine, please issue the following three commands:
  • cp ~vesfuser/.tcshrc .
  • source .tcshrc
  • cp -rf ~vesfuser/EM_Followup/EMTUTORIAL .

DS9 software setup

To set up funtools.ds9:

  • ds9
  • Edit->Preferences->Analysis-> Browse: /usr/share/funtools/funtools.ds9
  • Save
  • Reload ds9 and verify Analysis -> there is Funtools at the bottom

Exchanging information

 It is possible to read and write from the directory

    / opt/w3/VESF

 which corresponds to the web directory
 protected with the usual username and password for the VESF.
 This area can be useful to make available and visible to others your work. Please create a directory of your own to avoid deleting stuff belonging to others!

 To copy from/to your alternate home directory in the farmn# machines, please use the scp command.
 As an example, being logged on a vesf# machine, you can copy a file "toto.dat" to your home in the farmn machine by the command

 scp toto.dat