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Meeting April 6th, 2011

by Andrea Vicere last modified 2011-04-12 08:49

Minutes of the meeting

School schedule rearrangements

  • Have the detectors' tour in the morning of Monday, Elena starts in the afternoon. (Rearrange Thursday schedule)
  • OK to have data quality on Tuesday, Bursts on Wednesday. Elena will provide an introduction about trigger generator (WDF), possibly on Tuesday morning.
  • Nicolas and Didier stay till Thursday morning
  • Elena booked for family on Wednesday afternoon.
  • Thursday EM needs only 1.5 of the day. Possible to end early and leave free time or plan a visit to Pisa. Social dinner the same day? We would miss NIcolas and Dider.

Data to be transferred from Bologna/Lyon

  • Nicolas has started to get the files from Lyon. Issues with timeouts. The plan is to build in Lyon an RDS of about 1 TB covering the chosen playground period, including a selection of channels.
  • Until now, unable to build an RDS smaller than 2 TB for the two weeks. Nicolas is working with Didier to reduce further by removing some of the 10 kHz channels, but Nicolas is not convinced that we can remove more than 30% of the 2 TB.
  • We need to check with Benoit whether we need hrec offline, or we could live with hrec online as included in the raw data.
  • Data transfer from Lyon might be an issue.
  • To allow Elena starting her work, we ask Livio to pull h(t) from Bologna as a start, for the chosen period.

Disk space

  • Need to evaluate disk space required to store pictures for EM follow-up. Buffer space for astronomical images.
  • According to Didier, two buffers are available for the 2 TB of VSR1 data (buffers 30 and 31). TBC with Giuseppe.
  • Scratch space will be available for the students.
  • Personal accounts for the students.

Software to be installed in Cascina

  • Reference person Franco Carbognani. Coming back next week from holidays.
  • DQ software: everything is installed (matlab, root, octave, vega, marie-anne’s software, …). Script for DQ performance to be set up (discuss with Florent).
  • Burst software: Kleine-Welle, Omega ..
  • Noise software OK
  • Stochastic software needs to be installed (check with Giancarlo)
  • EM followup: image viewer (DS9, linux), SEXTRACTOR, octave (already installed, which version?). Please circulate links and versions.

Other requests to the computing group

  • Plan: partition the students in groups, using different machines of the farm.
  • Check with Antonella about procedures to set up accounts. How much time is needed on Monday 2nd?
  • Do we need a specific password for accessing VSR1 pages, reserved to students, or to copy the pages elsewhere.
  • Not sure we need a password for VSR1 information
  • See with the computing what can be done.
  • Discuss with the computing which olnodes in the farm (SL5) we can use.
  • Check whether everything works on SL5 or we need some SL4 machines. In principle, everything is working on olnodes (SL5), but it is good to have some olservers to use SL4 in case of problems (find an olserver like 14 or 17 which are less loaded for online services, as backup solution for some packages which have been already compiled on SL4).

Next meeting

  • Meeting again on Wednesday 13th at 11:00