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Jan 21th

by Elena Cuoco last modified 2009-02-05 10:02

Round table about commissioning-noise-DA


  • Commissioning point of view (E. Calloni)
  • Data analysis point of view (G. Guidi)
  • Monitoring web pages organization (D. Verkindt)  ppt
  • WSR? starting test for noise tools (E.Cuoco)
  • TO-DO list: open discussion


Participants:E. Calloni, D. Verkindt, G.Guidi, E.Cuoco, J. Marque, M.Bizouard,C.Palomba,S.D'antonio,A.Matteini
Enrico report on the status of commissioning and the commissioning plan. He said that we started the so called phase 2 of the commissioning with the starting of noise hunting and with the ITF with a "good" sensitivity. During the week of 21th we will have also the new calibration for the sensitivity.
Request from the commissioning for DA people: monitors for glitchness, non linearity, study of h-rec at low frequency band.
Now the commissioning is focused on the TCS and the noise hunting. The starting of VSR2 is foreseen for June 25th
Cristiano asked if the low frequency sensitivity reached now is comparable with the one reached during VSR1. Enrico answered that it is worst below 30Hz.
Gianluca asked if we have h-rec. Enrico answered that Loic is working this week at the calibration. As we understood the software for hrec is the same, but they are changing the parameters for the calibration.
One request by Enrico is to have the sensitivity plotted with the error bars in the plot.
Another request by Enrico was to have the list of channel to be used as vetoes by DQ group. MAB answered that all the channels could be used for such a goal.
Didier reported on the organization of the monitoring tools for noise, giving an update of the resources available and the scheme for the monitor.
Elena asked Enrico and Gianluca if there is agreement in starting the Engineering runs as soon as possible, in such a way to start the test of the structure for monitoring and pipelines. Didier agreed too on the fact the ER could boost the preparation activity for VSR2.
Discussion about the organization of the meeting. Elena and Enrico agreed on having commissioning and noise meeting in the same day, in such a way to help the interaction among DA and commissioning people.