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April 28th

by Elena Cuoco last modified 2009-04-30 11:52


  • Dust Glitches (Elena)  discussion around
  • Info on glitches for commissioning people (web pages, triggers for help)
  • Lines during WSR12  (C. Paolomba) discussion around
  • WSR13 preparation (what is still missing, documentation, noise shift organization as LSC people...)
  • AOB

connection via EVO: the same of commissioning meeting



People: D. Verkindt, F.Marion,C.Palomba, S.D'antonio,I.Fiori,E.Calloni,D.Fidecaro,E.Cuoco,G.Vajente,J.Marque,B. Swinkles,B, Camuel,...

1) Elena introduced the so called dust glitches. In a note written by J.Y.Vinet (VIR-NOT-LAS-1380-123) it was reported a model for the signal waveform produced by a dust grain falling in the tube and crossing the beam. 
The dust gliches, we are considering now, are instead the ones produced at the detection table. Using a simply model some indication on frequency content of these glitches could be given. In the glitches pointed by Irene, Edwige and Bas, the signal is present either in ACp or in ACq, while for the glitches in Easter period, which could be similar to dust glitches, the signal is present only in ACp, even if its SNR is high. So further investigations on this glitches need to be done.
Julien said that in feb was done a test using two fans on the detection table. We can have a look at those data. Here it is the link to logbook entry .
Action: trying to better identify the Easter period glitches.
2) Starting from a suggestion of Fidecaro at the VW plenary meeting, it was proposed the idea to ask commissioning people to "adopt a glitch or a line" to be identified and work together with DA people.
Julien adopted the dust glitches, while Gabriele the 1-10Hz lines. VDQ people should send information around about unidentified glitches.
3) Cristiano presented the lines identified during WSR12, showing the ones which are the more "persistent"  in these period.
After the 50Hz and its harmonics, there are the presence of 1Hz  and 10Hz and  their multiplies. Then there are some coupling with low frequency lines which create sidebands around lines at higher frequency.
Action: understand better the 1-10Hz problem, having a look at the past data, where it seems that the 10Hz problems disappeared from data.
4) We need to start the preparation of common runs with LIGO. In particular as noise we need to identify common goals with LIGO DetChar for WSR13/E14 runs. The idea is to have common EVO meeting during the runs from our control rooms. One idea which we could inherit by LIGO collegues is the shift at home, where some people have the duty to follow data from a specific point of view and then report during the meeting