Noise 2007 04 02
Francesco Fidecaro
last modified
2007-06-25 11:24
Agenda and minutes of the noise meeting
Noise meeting on Monday Apr 02 at 5:30 pm
Preliminary Agenda
- Acoustic and tapping tests (Irene Fiori, Federico Paoletti, Julien Marque, Eric Genin) 30’
- HACR results (Gabriele Vajente) 15’
- WSR9 noise studies with the Q transform (Shourov Chatterji) 15'
- Comparison of segments of runs in the 10-50 Hz region (Angela Di Virgilio) 15'
Presentation directory
Presentation web page
People not able to attend physically the meeting can use the teleconference (0039.02.67688, then 0698# after the welcome message) or Skype (ego_seminar_room)