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Noise 2007 01 30

by Francesco Fidecaro last modified 2007-06-05 18:18

Agenda and minutes of the noise meeting

Noise meeting on Tuesday Jan 30 at 10 am


1.    Environmental noise tests after WSR7 Federico Paoletti 20'

2.    Preliminary analysis of noise from terminal benches Irene Fiori 20'

3.    Nonstationarity of frequency noise Gabriele Vajente 20'

4.    Coherency of dark fringe and locking error signals Gabriele Vajente 20’

5.    Noise analysis around 10 Hz Angela Di Virgilio 20'

6.    Seismic noise during strong wind Francesco Fidecaro 10'

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People not able to attend physically the meeting can use the teleconference (0039.02.67688, then 0698# after the welcome message) or Skype (ego_seminar_room)


Carlo Bradaschia, Antonio Pasqualetti, Federico Paoletti, Michele Punturo, Elena Cuoco, Dominique Le Gaillot, Marina Del Prete, Gabriele Vajente, Angela Di Virgilio, Andrea Viceré, Marco Tarallo, Isidoro Ferrante, Franco Frasconi, Luca Gammaitoni, Edwige Tournefier, Didier Verkindt.


1. Presentation by Federico. Discussion on last night results: change of M70 mount makes some bumps disappear.
2. Presentation by Irene. Demonstration of the effect of dumping beam before M70. Further evidence this night for WE mirror coherence. Noise at the WE is likely to be below current noise, but these seem to be shallow waters.
3. Presentation by Irere on central area noise injection. Seem to be less sensitive during WSR7 than during WSR5: interventions around the brewster.
4. Presentation by Gabriele on frequency noise non stationarity. 0.6 Hz lines visible now.
5. Presentation by Gabriele on coherence search. Starting now. B8 ACp ACq coherent with dark fringe. Also input beam jitter can be a cause. See slides for details and ideas.
6. Presentation by Angela on noise at 10 Hz. Comparison of two runs: B2_3f and B2. Looked at B7 and B8 and also reference cavity.
7. Presentation by Francesco on data for low frequency seismic studies.