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by Vincenzo Dattilo last modified 2010-03-12 18:14
Inutes of the meeting on alarm/warning notification system for the on-call held on Nov 19th, 09h30 (by V.Dattilo)
M.D'Andrea, F.Carbognani, D.Soldani, E.Calloni, H.Heitmann, G.Hemming,
I.Fiori, F.Gherardini, P.Popolizio, V.Dattilo, A.Pasqualetti

-Short presentation by VD on the status of the monitoring and automatic
notification systems for the on-call service, and on possible solution
to provide all the on-call services with a suitable one.

- Most of the EGO on-call services are already using a monitoring and
automatic notification system. Unfortunately, there are 2 on-call
services, Vacuum and Conditioning (AC), where such a system is currently
missing or only partially adopted.
-Sometime the lack of proper notification to the on-call person
doesn't allow to fix the problem at its initial phase, and the
consequences (at least the downtime) are suffered by the ITF
operation/commissioning activities. Examples are the long thermal
transient after a recover of some AC failure, or the last weekend
consequences of the compressed air failure that affected the Vacuum
system, the Suspensions and Locking.

- The most appropriate systems to be adopted by Vacuum and AC are:
- the Infrastructure Technical Alarm (ITA) system, currently used by
Massimo for the Electricity on-call. It is a low level, commercial and
reliable system, monitoring the analog status of the critical parts. It
is suitable for the monitoring and notification of the most critical
part of the Vacuum and AC, for which also a risk of damage exist. The
deployment of such a system requires also HW parts and time. It is
particularly important also for the safety of the equipment and it will
be defined in detail among Infrastructure Dept (in particular Massimo,
Pasquale, Antonio, Davide) and its implementation will start in the next
- The Detector Monitoring System (DMS), currently used in Control
Room and for the ITF Operation on-call. It is a home-made system,
developed by EGO in collaboration with LAPP, it is mainly based on
signals available from the Virgo DAQ. Its reliability is not
particularly high, because depending on DAQ processes, on network and on
other processes. On th eother hand, it is particularly flexible and
alarm criteria and notification mode can be easily and quickly
configured. It is already interfaced with Vacuum and AC an therefore
could be easily used for monitoring and automatic notification. It
doesn't require additional HW and SW installation and can be performed
in a quite short time. A strict collaboration is needed between OP
Group and Infrastrucure Dept to define alarm criteria and configure the
alarm notification. It has been agreed that, starting from this wk, VD
and Fabio will see with Antonio the details for Vacuum and, separately,
the details of AC with Davide and Pasquale. We will start to alarm the
most important parts and gradually the remaining ones. The policy of
intervention will be defined by the related on-call referent, taking
also into account the requirements from Operation and Commissioning. It
is also clear that for the critical parts the DMS is not an alternative
to the ITA. It is mainly complementary and in some case redundant
(redundancy is here positively accepted).

- DMS upgrade
- We agreed on the Franco's proposal to dismiss the IMMS for the
notification to the AC (mainly for maintenance reasons) and to focus on
DMS, also by exporting to it an important functionality of the IMMS (ie
the feature to tune thresholds from any web-browser, particularly
useful for the on-call at home). Gary will take care of this
implementation. The IMMS will be kept only as a data provider for the DAQ.
- The possibility to have web-browsable plots from DMS will be better
defined in the future, between EGO and LAPP.