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2009-Nov-19 (minutes)

by Vincenzo Dattilo last modified 2010-03-12 17:55
Minutes of DMS meeting of 19 Nov 2009, 14h00-16h00  (by V.Dattilo)
Participants: F.Berni, F.Carbognani, V.Dattilo, G.Hemming

#1 - Shelving and muting of flags and subflags
The shelving functionality available on the current DMS version is
appliable only to flags.
Its extension to subflags requires a re-computation of the related flag.
To efficiently perform such a re-computation, it is needed to have each
subflag stored in a My-SQL database (DB)
(currently, this kind of info, i.e. the status of each subflag, is not
extracted by the XMLs passed to the DMS by the Moni processes, but ~just
displayed as it is).
ACTION--> we agreed to translate the XML info into a database, in a
manner that the status of each subflag is available.
The best way would be that the Moni processes directly write in a DB,
and this will be asked to Didier, meanwhile, a intermediate PHP script can
make this "translation" step from XML to DB (Gary will help Francesco
in doing this).
The muting functionality (by definition it is appliable only to alarmed
flags) doesn't need a re-computation of the
flag in case of subflag muting.
The proposed way to allow the user to shelve/mute a flag/subflag are
based on a GUI interface. From that, the pre-autorized user can act
(after authentification), without the risk to affect other parts of
the DMS configuration, and specify also the start/stop time and the
reason of the action.
The user can also set to be automatically notified in case of
muting/shelving action on a given flag.

#2 - In-line help
Francesco showed the work done so far, based on the requirements to
have an help associated to each flag, easily reachabe and editable,
and integrated with the existing ITF procedure system, to profit of
its existing functionalities.
At each DMS section is associated a procedure with the same name, in
the ITF procedure system;
at each flag is associated a procedure section, automatically generated.
Once the user clicks on the 'help' icon present on each subflag, the
related procedure is opened for reading. In case the user is also
he can also edit/modify the procedure.
ACTION--> no further suggestions/comments.

#3 - authentication method
It is needed for flag shelving and muting. It has to be bease on
the Active Directory password.
ACTION --> Franco remarked to use the centralized PHP version
(already made available by Franco), instead of asking the Computing
Staff to recompile the existing version on Olserver13. Gary will
take care of that.

#4 -use of ALP to implement elaborate monitoring criteria
It has been described the use of Alp to implement general monitoring
criteria and then pass the info to the DMS via an XML file.
This possibility has been recently implemented and deployed by
Francesco and Fabio.
PROs: flexible and allow to implement also criteria with conditional
CONs: the ALP scripting is not powerful in this case and consequently
several lines of script are necessary for each criterium.
ACTION--> no further suggestions/comments.

#5 -interfacing the DMS to the DAQ
The main need is to display the last hours of trend when clicking on
a flag (typically the last 2 hours,
a sampling rate of ~ 0.2Hz would be enough).
A test in using in the DMS the java app already developed by
D.Sentenac to display data is not satisfactory.
Better to have the values in a DB, that could be circularly overwritten.
ACTION --> This is linked to what decided for item #1: when writing
the info of each subflag in the DB, make thinks that, other the color of
the subflag,
also the channel value is written. Once available, the way to
generate the plot and display it has been already implemented
and tested by Francesco during past tests.

#6 - aob
- Quick review of the minutes/decisions of the last DMS meeting (held
on 20 Jan 2009): verified that all the recommendations/pendings
(as flag shelving, aggregated flags, etc) have been satisfactorily
- Franco suggests to complete the note in progress on the DMS. Also
worth to report all this work in a weekly meeting or VW.
Also worth of publication. ACTION --> Vin. and Francesco will
circulate a draft updated version of the note in a very few weeks.
Possibly present it to a weekly meeting within this year.