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NI actuator relative calibration

by Benoit Mours last modified 2008-07-08 10:11

This is the um/Volts actuator gain for NI extracted from WSR8 lines injections. Notice that this is not an absolute value but and “effective” calibration relative to the h(t) signal.

This is done by looking at the dataDisplay transfer function: h_20kHzNo50 over SC_NI_LoopIn. Then the measured values are renormalized by the factor 3000*(f/0.6)**2 where f is 102 or 352Hz.

The following results are obtained using the hrec-v1 files:

Session # 1 90 s starting at 855108518:

  •  line at 102Hz: 21.7 um/Volts
  •  line at 352Hz: 13.9 um/Volts  

Session # 2 90 s starting at 855276334

  •  Line at 102Hz: 21.4 um/Volts
  •  Line at 352Hz: 13.9 um/Volts

The strong value for the 102 Hz line gives an indication on the reconstruction error at this frequency, were the correction algorithm is more complex.