Coincidence study between DF and other channels - full run: WSR1
We have checked if there are coincident triggers between DF and other channels using the MF triggers obtained on WSR1 and WSR5 data sets (note that the trigger lists have been previously cleaned using these DataQuality flags given here:
No coincidence have been found with the Em_XX, Bs_IMC_D1T_DCHF and Sc_IB_SSFS_Corr channels (the coincident events are compatible with accidental coincidence). The most promising channels so far are:
The following table shows the performance obtained requesting:
- a coincidence between DF and the tested channel within a window of +/- 100 ms.
- a threshold on the tested channel has been applied (the same on all the segments)
- a threshold on the DF channel SNR has been applied: SNR>10
- a test of robustness using all hardware injections (CB + burst) has been done: it consists in generating veto lists using the time window and the threshold given in the follwoing table (no time offset has been added) and then applying the veto on the DF triggers containing the hardware injections. The number of hardware injections which do not pass the veto are then counted.
It's interesting to note that:
- Pr_B2_DC and Pr_B2_3f_d1_ACp triggers seem to occur 30-40 ms bfore the DF triggers, while Sc_WE_txCorr triggers occurr 20ms before (it must be investigated if this is true on all Sc_XX_txCorr ...)
- Among the 3 promising channels, it seems that Pr_B2_DC and Pr_B2_3f_DC have the best use-percentage. Actually on WSR5 seems to be better than Pr_B2_DC. But a complete study remains to be done (no optimization of the threshold has been done)
- Sc_WE_txCorr does not seem to be safe wrt hardware injected events (2 events killed over 112 injections) ... to be confirmed and understood (could be due to accidental ... the threshold is too low for this channel. But anyway that does not smell good)
What remains to be done:
- optimization of the veto parameters (deltaT and threshold)
- understand the origin of the remaining loud events ... find out other good channels!
- complementarity of the XX vetos
- ...
Numbers | peak time difference and SNR | SNR (DF and tested channel) |
SNR>15 Pr_B2_DC:347 COINCIDENT:245 accidental: 0.22 ROBUST: 0 killed | | |
SNR>15 Pr_B2_3f_d1_ACp:276 COINCIDENT:124 accidental:.17 ROBUST: 0 killed | | |
SNR>15 Sc_WE_txCorr:1880 COINCIDENT:214 accidental:1.13 ROBUST: 2 killed
| | |
SNR>7 Sc_IB_SSFS_Corr:999 COINCIDENT:4 accidental:.63 ROBUST: not tested | | |
SNR>10 Bs_IMC_D1T_DCHF:238 COINCIDENT:124 accidental:1.5 ROBUST: not tested | | |
SNR>7 Em_ACDBDL01:56 COINCIDENT:1 accidental:.04 ROBUST: not tested | | |
SNR>15 Em_MABDNE01:252 COINCIDENT:0 accidental:0 ROBUST: not tested | | |
SNR>10 Em_SETOBS01:20 COINCIDENT: 0 ACCIDENTAL:0 ROBUST:not tested | | |
SNR>15 Sc_IB_MC_ty:99 COINCIDENT: 0 ACCIDENTAL:0.18 ROBUST:not tested | | |
SNR>15 Sc_MC_tyCorrR:295 COINCIDENT: 4 ACCIDENTAL:0.6 ROBUST:not tested | | |
SNR>15 Gc_Recycling:816 COINCIDENT: 481 ACCIDENTAL:1.5 ROBUST:2 killed | | |
SNR>15 Sc_WE_tyCorr:23 COINCIDENT: 13 ACCIDENTAL:0.0 ROBUST:not tested | | |
SNR>15 Sc_NE_txCorr:1671 COINCIDENT: 208 ACCIDENTAL:1.0 ROBUST:not tested | | |
SNR>15 Sc_NE_tyCorr:3 COINCIDENT: 0 ACCIDENTAL:0. ROBUST:not tested | | |