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Q-Online Results

by Florent Robinet last modified 2009-04-17 16:08

Summary plots can be found at :

On the autocorrelogram the 210 mHz frequency is not more seen thnks to the work on BS ( However, we still have the 420 mHz line + a new one at 280 mHz.

The list of QScans can be found in the usual Q-History page :

Important fact : Many channels were missing during the run, especially in WE. Therefore it is often difficult to explain glitches.

See :

Here are the events with SNR > 30

             DATE                      GPS               SNR       COMMENTS

Sat 2009 Apr 11 03:50     923457021.969    384         ??? : Missing channels   (seen by MBTA)

Mon 2009 Apr 13 21:15    923692560.384    227         Earthquake -> Lock loss  (seen by MBTA)

Sat 2009 Apr 11 07:34     923470502.559    151         (seen by MBTA), step in h_rec, modes at 3918 and 9828 Hz excited

Sat 2009 Apr 11 18:28     923509742.370     68          ??? : Missing channels  (seen by MBTA)

Sun 2009 Apr 12 03:14    923541280.199     65          ??? : Missing channels

Mon 2009 Apr 13 20:37   923690289.870     54          Probably seismic event in CB and MC

Sun 2009 Apr 12 19:43    923600630.775     50          ??? : Missing channels  (seen by MBTA)

Sat 2009 Apr 11 22:28    923524100.898      44          ??? : Missing channels  (seen by MBTA)

Mon 2009 Apr 13 09:22   923649744.345     39          (seen by MBTA) Signal on B8_DC, may be problem on WE but missing environmental probes at this time

Sun 2009 Apr 12 14:29    923581787.807     35          Signal on B8_DC + signal in acoustic sensor in NE + magnetometers in CB and NE + seismic in NE but missing environmental probes at this time in WE

Mon 2009 Apr 13 19:07   923684835.181      31         ??? : Missing channels

Mon 2009 Apr 13 03:57   923630236.949      30          might be seismic event in CB and MC ???

It seems that few of our loudest glitches have the same morphology, could come from a common origin ?