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by Thomas Bauer last modified 2011-11-15 16:08

Cascina - November 14th- 16th

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Monday (Nov. 14th):

14:30 - 19:00  
     Commissioning - Detector       (B. Swinkels, P. Rapagnani )                   Auditorium 

 B. Swinkels
Introduction  5
 M. Beker (EVO)
EIB-SAS Status
20 + 5
 D. VerkindtEvolution of dataDisplay10 + 5
 B. Swinkels Commissioning after VSR4 20 + 5
 A. PasqualettiIncrease-of-pressure test
10 + 5

 P. Rapagnani
 E. GeninDihedron installation + results10 + 5
 T. Accadia
Measurements of NI
with Photon Calibrator
10 + 5
 P. Rapagnani
Thermal Noise in Virgo + MS
25 + 5

Tuesday (Nov 15th):

9:00 - 13:00       Advanced Virgo I      (G. Losurdo)                   Auditorium 

G Losurdo
Project status and next steps
M BarsugliaOptical simulation and design: achievements and next steps 25'
L Pinard
MIR status and plans
P Rapagnani
PAY status and plans
N Man
Laser status and plans
B Mours
Vacuum chambers for minitowers
A Vicerè
Change request: upgrade of the fiber pulling machine
M Neri
Long- and short-range order in tantalum oxide films for the optics of
gravitational wave interferometric detectors






13:00 - 14:00        lunch  

14:00 -  17:00    AdV Project Organization        (J-Y. Vinet)               Auditorium            

Discussion on the AdV project organization:
starting points :
  1. The new construction phase already began this week. The old project structure is formally still in place, but some SSM asked to change their level of involvement
  2. The PL is thus faced with manpower and delegation problems
  3. Could the structure be improved ?
  4. A status of the plans of our laboratories for involvement would be of help, in the perimeter of their MoA's
  5. What tasks could receive extra help from the collaboration ?
  6. What do we expect from EGO ?

17:00 -  19:00    Data Analysis        (M.-A. Bizouard)               Auditorium            

MA Bizouard
Overview talk                 

R. Sturani
Towards a generic test of GR using compact binary coalescences

A. Colla
VSR4 noise line identification

G. Vedovato
Localization of burst GW sources by future networks of detectors: cWB simulations including LCGT, Indigo and LIGO South





Wednesday (Nov 16th):


9:00 - 12:30    Plenary        (Th. S. Bauer)           Auditorium

9:00F. Ferrini
News from EGO10+5

J. Y. Vinet
News from Virgo10+5

E. Calloni

P. Rapagnani

M. a. Bizouard

C. Bradaschia
A. Viceré


13:00 - 14:00 lunch

14:00 - 17:00    VSC                        ()                Council Room


VSC wide meeting

VSC meeting