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by Thomas Bauer last modified 2010-05-05 09:20

Cascina - May 3rd-5th

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Monday (May 3rd):

14:30 - 19:00     Commissioning  and Detector     (E. Calloni and P. Rapagnani)           Auditorium

P. RapagnaniPayload Installation

E. MajoranaPayload Transf Fct. and Performances

A. GennaiDSP - Installation

G. Vajente
ITF Recovery and Locking
  M. Galimberti
Virgo+ cavities simulation20
   A. Masserot
Global control up-grades20
   E. Pacaud
 cameras up-grade20
   E. Calloni Short and medium term plans10

Tuesday (May 4th):

9:00 - 13:00     Advanced Virgo      (G. Losurdo)                Auditorium

  9.00- 9.15         G.Losurdo -           Introduction
9:15  Design issues (1:30)
         E. Tournefier  - Possible layout inside the detection tower   (15)
         S. Braccini      - Why is the multi-payload risky?                   (30)
         M. Barsuglia   - Optics simulation                                        (15)

10:45  coffee break

11:00  Alternative to Baseline   (1:00)
        E. Calloni      - Long stable cavities for AdV                          (30)

12:00    Other issues                 (1:00)
    G. Losurdo - Sensitivity curve for early stages: issues from IPRB    (10)
    V. Fafone   - Results for the radiative cooling R&D                        (15)

13:00 - 14:00        lunch

14:00 -  17:00    Data Analysis        (G.M. Guidi)               Auditorium            

       Dietz          S6/VSR2 online GRB search for inspiral signals - an update
       Sturani       Complete Phenomenological wfs from spinning CB
       Frasca        Hardware and software injections recovery on VSR2 data
       Krolak         Short update on the Vela search (Pia, 5 min)

       Colla          Update on the Noise Event Miner framework

       Drago         Glitch rejection performances of coherent WaveBurst

       Branchesi    Update on optical image follow-up (EVO)

       Rolland       Update on h-reconstruction

       Verkindt           Virgo Data Quality status

       Salconi       Storage update

       (10 min + 5 min) for all the talks

Wednesday (Feb 10th):


9:00 - 12:30    Plenary        (N. Leroy)           Auditorium

9:00J. ColasNews from EGO10+5

F. FidecaroNews from Virgo10+5

E. CalloniCommissioning status and plans10+5

P. RapagnaniDetector status and plans10+5

G. LosurdoAdvanced Virgo status and plans15+15

I. Fiori
Virgo and Windmills

C. Bradaschia
Outreach activities

G. GuidiData analysis status and plans15+5

13:00 - 14:00 lunch

14:00 - 17:00    VSC                        (F. Fidecaro)                Council Room


VSC wide meeting

1. Communications. Change in RMKI group. LSC-Virgo MoU review steps.
2. Coordinators' news and decisions.
  a. Detector.  
  b. Commissioning. Plan for 2010-2011.  
  c. Data Analysis. VDQ quality group.   
   i. Need to find chair for the review committee.  
  d. Outreach.  
  e. Run organization.  
   i. Shift list starting July 2?  
   ii. On call.
3. VESB.
4. Advanced Virgo.
  a. Exploration of alternatives
5. VSC dates
6. AOB

VSC meeting