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2010-Feb 8

by Francesco Fidecaro last modified 2010-04-28 14:56

Cascina - February 8-10th

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Monday (Feb 8th):

14:30 - 10:00     Commissioning  and Detector     (E. Calloni and P. Rapagnani)           Auditorium

tentative schedule:

E. CalloniIntroduction10
  P. RapagnaniMonolithic - Status and Planning20

E. GeninLaser status

A. GennaiDSP - Installation and Planning

A. Rocchi/V. Fafone
TCS - Status and Planning20

S. Braccini
Superattenuator performances

Tuesday (Feb 9th):

9:00 - 13:00     Advanced Virgo      (G. Losurdo)                Auditorium

  9.00- 9.30         G.Losurdo -           Intro
                            N.Man       -           PSL report

  9.30-13.00 - session dedicated to optical configuration tradeoff discussion

  9.30-10.30 -     M.Barsuglia -         OSD
10.30-11.00 -     V.Fafone     -          TCS
11.00-11.15 -     F.Bondu      -          ISC

coffee break

11.30-11.50 -     P.Rapagnani  -         PAY
11.50-12.10 -     R.Passaquieti -        SAT
12.10-12.30 -     E.Genin          -       INJ    (short talks)
                           E.Tournefier   -        DET  (short talks)
                           A.Pasqualetti  -        VAC (short talks)

13:00 - 14:00        lunch

14:00 -  17:00    Data Analysis        (G.M. Guidi)               Auditorium            

Mours (12+3 min): "Status of the online MBTA analysis"
Alex (12+3 min): "S6VSR2 GRB-triggered searches"
Romain (17+3 min): "Followups of interesting triggers"

Torre (12+3 min): "Discrete resampling for semitargeted searches: an application to galaxy center monitor in VSR2"

Cuoco (12+3 min): "Line monitors: status update"

Swinkels (12+3 min): "Glitches from alignement fluctuations and scattered light"

Rolland (12+3 min):"Status of Virgo standard calibration and h(t) reconstruction"
Accadia (12+3 min): "Use of the photon calibration to characterize h(t)"
Salconi (12+3 min): "VRS2 Data Transfer Report"
Discussion on SCIENTIST DUTIES ~ 30 min (moderator: Cavalier)

Wednesday (Feb 10th):


9:00 - 12:30    Plenary        (Th. S. Bauer)           Auditorium

9:00J. ColasNews from EGO10+5

E. CalloniCommissioning status and plans10+5

P. RapagnaniDetector status and plans10+5

G. GuidiData analysis status and plans15+5

G. LosurdoAdvanced Virgo status and plans15+5

F. FidecaroNews from Virgo, LV-Meetings20+15

Coffee break

NOTE: Seminar postponed to 14:30 !

11:30 - 17:00    VSC                        (F. Fidecaro)                Council Room

13:00 - 14:00 lunch

14:00 - 17:00    VSC - continued                        (F. Fidecaro)                Council Room

14:30  Seminar:  K. Somiya    Auditorium

           "Optical design and control scheme of LCGT" 

          Seminar of K. SOMIYA  recorded on EVO  ( evo player )


VSC wide meeting

VSC meeting