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by Thomas Bauer last modified 2010-07-21 16:20

Cascina - July 19th-21th

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Monday (July 19th):

14:30 - 19:00     Commissioning  and Detector     (E. Calloni and P. Rapagnani)           Auditorium

E. Genin: Summary of last weeks problems on laser injection system 20' + 5'
M. Galimberti: Virgo+ end mirrors: curvature, astigmatism, mismatch 20' + 5'
L. Pinard: Old Mirrors' absorpion 20' + 5'
J. Marque: Optical Characterization 20' + 5'

Coffee Breack

R. Day: Influence of mirror roughness on clipping losses in optical cavities 10'
M. Tacca: Coating simulation 10'
A. Chiummo: Mirror maps in Finesse 10'
L. Rolland: calibration 10'
G. Vajente: ITF status 20' + 5'
E. Calloni: Discussion 10'


Detector Review

A. Di Virgilio: Gyrolaser 10'+discussion5'
J. Van Der Brand: EIB status review 20'+ 5'
LAPP (speacker to be defined): New Cameras status review 10' + 5'

Tuesday (July 20th):

9:00 - 13:00     Advanced Virgo      (G. Losurdo)                Auditorium

 N ManFiber laser status
  JF Hayau
AdV specifications from Optickle simulation
 P RapagnaniPayload for input test masses and compensation plates 
 J Van De BrandMultiple payload issues for the suspended injection bench 
 M BarsugliaA new idea for the NDRC (update) 
 J MarqueOptical aspects in the long recycling cavities 
 G LosurdoLong rec. cavities for AdV?

13:00 - 14:00        lunch

14:00 -  15:40    Data Analysis        (G.M. Guidi, M.-A. Bizouard)               Auditorium            

 14:00 N. LeroyDQ and vetoes for VSR315+5
 14:20 G. Vedonato/V. Re
VSR2 burst searches: data quality issues
 14:40A. Colla
Noemi status (line finder tool)
 15:55D. Verkindt
VSR3 Scimon shift + glitch shift duties + discussion
F. Carbognani
VSR3 start preparation: software freeze +


16:00 -  17:30    Computing & software        (G.M. Guidi, M.-A. Bizouard)               Auditorium            

1. Announcements:
   - proposal to create a new computing/software mailing list (open to LSC colleagues). Goal: spread information about software installation, data transfer/access (online, bulk), user support in CC, ....
   - VSR3 rawdata has increased by 20%. Need to reduce the number of channels and/or sampling frequency

2. Discussion about Virgo and LSC software interoperability with Adam Mercer from Milwaukee (visiting Virgo for 1 week)
- Virgo and LSC software installation
- run cbc pipelines in Virgo CC (Bologna condor job flocking)
   -> Romain's introduction
   -> problem with software installation. need of manpower


19:00 -  20:00  Sixth EGO/Virgo Biathlon Relay Run    (C. Bradaschia)   


20:00  Buffet Party


Wednesday (July 21st):


9:00 - 12:30    Plenary        ()           Auditorium

9:00J. ColasNews from EGO10+5

F. FidecaroNews from Virgo10+5

E. CalloniCommissioning status and plans10+5

P. RapagnaniDetector status and plans10+5

G. LosurdoAdvanced Virgo status and plans15+15




M. A. BizouardData analysis status and plans15+5

13:00 - 14:00 lunch

14:00 - 17:00    VSC                        (F. Fidecaro)                Council Room


VSC wide meeting

VSC meeting