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List of installed large optics

by Jerome Degallaix last modified 2016-09-07 16:55

The list of the large optics installed in Advanced Virgo with linked to the TDR for the caracteristics and the maps:

Power recycling mirror: PR01 

Pickoff Plate: POP02  (rotated by 180 deg, to have the thick part up)

Beamsplitter: BS02

Signal recycling mirror: SR02

North compensation plate: CP03 (arrow pointing toward the IM)

North input mirror: IM04

North end mirror: EM01

West compensation plate: CP02 (arrow pointing toward the IM)

West input mirror: IM02

West end mirror: EM03

(The surface maps in the TDS were measured with the arrow down, that is also how the optic are installed expect when explicitly noted)
Maps are measured with the arrow down pointing toward the Zygo interferometer. The data maps have a left/right flip.