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Playground by Stefan Hild — last modified 2008-05-28 18:06
This page is a playground for me (Stefan Hild) to find out how to work this wiki...
Virgo Notes related to Advanced Virgo Optical Design by Andreas Freise — last modified 2008-08-19 01:47
Optical Layout by Andreas Freise — last modified 2008-10-14 18:52
Description of the OSD system by Robert Ward — last modified 2010-06-04 16:44
Beam Sizes by Stefan Hild — last modified 2008-06-25 21:43
Advanced Virgo Simulations by Andreas Freise — last modified 2010-05-14 13:01
Finesse Simulation by Maddalena Mantovani — last modified 2008-06-19 03:31
Available codes by Stefan Hild — last modified 2009-04-09 00:13
Pick-off beams by Stefan Hild — last modified 2008-10-10 00:21
Pick-off beams from the AR-coatings of BS and Input mirrors might be necessary for length and alignment sensing and control. However, it is not clear at the moment how to get these beams out of the vacuum vessels. This page is thought to contain some brainstorming and analysis of the problem.
Other Documents of interest for AdV OSD by Stefan Hild — last modified 2008-07-17 12:03
This page can be used to store documents (other than Virgo-notes or Presentations) related to the Advanced Virgo OSD work.
Presentations of interest by Stefan Hild — last modified 2008-08-18 18:13
On this page we attempt to keep a list of Presentations relevant for the Advanced Virgo OSD work. I believe it is easiest to sort the talks in chronological order.
Design of non-degenerate Rcycling cavities by Stefan Hild — last modified 2009-02-26 12:28
This page is thought as a place for brainstorming on the actual design of stable recycling cavities. This includes a brief list of the constraints that need to be taken into account (tower positions etc)
AdV-nondeg-schematic by Stefan Hild — last modified 2008-08-22 12:39
Advanced LIGO stable recycling cavities by Stefan Hild — last modified 2008-08-30 20:21
A brief collection of the ALIGO design parameter can be found on this page.
Implementation of TCS and astigmatism losses into GWINC by Stefan Hild — last modified 2009-04-18 18:12
This page is a brief description of how Signal losses from imperfect TCS and astigmatism inside the signal recycling cavity are implemented in the GWINC code.
OSD weekly meetings by Andreas Freise — last modified 2010-04-27 08:32