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Virgo Notes related to Advanced Virgo Optical Design

by Andreas Freise last modified 2008-08-19 01:47

Advanced Virgo Optical Layout

Advanced Virgo design: The Advanced LIGO approach for choosing modulation frequencies  
S. Hild, M. Mantovani, A. Perreca and A. Freise
Advanced Virgo, task list of the Optical Simulations and Design systemA. Freise , S. Hild
VIR-058A-08Advanced Virgo design: Optical phase noise originating from the etalon effect driven by thermo-refractive noiseStefan Hild and Andreas Freise
VIR-038B-08 Advanced Virgo Design: Preliminary Revision of the Beam Size and the Test Mass Curvatures Stefan Hild and Andreas Freise
VIR-037A-08 Advanced Virgo Design: Differential Arm Length Noise from Vertical Movement of Wedged Input Mirrors Stefan Hild and Andreas Freise
VIR-027A-08 The consequences of using the etalon effect to tune the arm cavity finesse on the alignment signals for Advanced Virgo M. Mantovani, A. Freise, S. Hild
VIR-002B-07 Initial set of optical parameters for numerical simulations towards Advanced Virgo A. Freise, M. Mantovani

General Advanced Virgo Design Documents

VIR-055A-08Advanced Virgo design: Comparison of the Advanced Virgo sensitivity from Bench 4
and Bench 7.0
S.Hild and G.Losurdo
VIR-043A-07Advanced Virgo preliminary cost plan and project execution planThe Virgo Collaboration
VIR-042A-07Advanced Virgo Conceptual DesignThe Virgo Collaboration
VIR-024A-07Advanced Virgo sensitivity curve: cavity finesse and signal recycling tuningGiovanni Losurdo
VIR-NOT-DIR-1390-325Guidelines for the Advanced Virgo R&D - addendum to the Advanced Virgo White PaperVirgo Collaboration
VIR-NOT-DIR-1390-304Advanced Virgo White PaperP.Hello, G.Losurdo, B.Mours, M.Punturo, A.Vicere
VIR-NOT-PER-1390-283Advanced Virgo Sensitivity Curve: a possible scenarioMichele Punturo