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Advanced Virgo Simulations

by Andreas Freise last modified 2010-05-14 13:01

Finesse Simulations

OSD provides a numerical model for the full Advanced Virgo core interferometer in the form of an input file for the interferometer simulation software Finesse (see also the GEO Sim Wiki). The input file should at a all times represent the current baseline design. In addition, previous baseline files as well as input files for special tasks are provided.

These input files are stored in a subversion repository which provides backup as well as version control. This svn repository is accessible by everyone without username and password:

  • server:  svn://
  • repository:  adv-osd
  • directory: trunk/finesse_files

An excerpt from the REAMDE file in adv-osd:

The "finesse_files" folder is the storage place for Finesse input
files (*.kat). The three subdirectories are structured as follows:
    This directory contains input files with the full Advanced Virgo
    optical layout. These might have any name but should also
    be organised by the date of creation in the filename,
    such as advirgo_020209.kat.

    This directory should contain only one file which represents at
    every moment the best known input file which represents the
    state of the Advanced Virgo design. Currently this file should
    only be updated by Andreas.

    This folder is a storage place for input files which were created
    for specific tasks, i.e. which cannot be used by a beginner for
    doing a standard simulation task but are required for complex
    tasks. The files should also feature a date in the filename and
    should be listed with a short explanation in the README file in
    that folder

For further information please contact Andreas Freise