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Small Schnupp asymmetry - SB2 resonant in both PRC and SRC

by Gabriele Vajente last modified 2008-06-30 09:36

Virgo value
Power recycling cavity length
11.953 m12.053 m-0.100 m
Input mode cleaner length
143.434 m143.573 m-0.139 m
Schnupp asymmetry
0.04 m0.878 m-0.838 m

Distance BS-IMX
5.993 m6.512 m-0.519 m
Distance BS-IMY
5.953 m5.634 m+0.319 m
Distance BS-PRM
5.980 m5.980 m
+0.000 m

SB1 modulation frequency
6270339.2 Hz

SB3 modulation frequency
8360585.6 Hz

The possible sets of SB2 modulations and signals recycling cavity lengths, in order to have SB1 simultaneously resonant in PRC and SRC are:

Modulation frequency [Hz]
SRC lengths [m]
 81515709.495 11.03317851 12.87204159
 94056587.879 11.15576938 12.74945072
 106597466.263 11.24951534 12.65570476
 119138344.647 11.32352531 12.58169479
 131679223.030 11.38343814 12.52178196
 144220101.414 11.4329313512.47228875
 156760979.798 11.47450565 12.43071445
 169301858.182 11.50992079 12.39529931
 181842736.566 11.54045108 12.36476902
 194383614.950 11.56704198 12.33817812
 206924493.334 11.59040974 12.31481035
  219465371.717 11.61110691 12.29411319
 232006250.101 11.62956653 12.27565356
 244547128.485 11.64613287 12.25908723

Finesse simulation

The 81MHz modulation frequency has been chosen to set up a Finesse simulation.

The Finesse input file: advirgo_lmod_ss_11m.kat

Input power (before power recycling mirror) is 100 W.

The correct resonance conditions of all sidbands have been checked. Here are the results.

Arm cavity resonance

The signal and power recycling mirror have been removed and the north cavity length changed over one free spectral range. Here is the transmitted power.

Power recycling cavity resonance

The arms are kept on resonance for the carrier, the signal recycling mirror is removed and the power recycling cavity length swept over one free spectral range. The beam splitter pick-off power is shown here:

Transmission to anti-simmetric port

The signal recycling mirror is remove, the power recycling cavity and the arm cavities are kept on resonance, MICH is swept over one free spectral range. The anti-symmetric port power is shown here:

Signal recycling cavity resonances

Arms and power recycling cavities are on resonance, MICH is tuned to dark fringe, the signal recycling cavity length is changed over one free spectral range around the RSE value of 0 degrees:

As expected at the operating point:
  • SB1 is close to anti-resonant in the arms, resonant in the PRC, has small transmission to ASY and it is anti-resonant in SRC
  • SB2 is close to anti-resonant in the arms, resonant in the PRC, has significant transmission to ASY and it is resonant in SRC.
  • SB3 is not resonant in arms, not resonant in PRC, has small transmission to ASY and it is not resonant in SRC